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Donita's Tutorials Donita Help Please!!!

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I know this post is an old one but I just saw it and May I say Hmmmm.. All who has said anything negative about paying. One question, Have you seen any of Donitas work? Only One word can discribe it ( BEAUTIFUL)!! If I was still into making candles I would sure buy it. :-) Great work Donita!!

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OK....you girls figure it out and if you want to have a girl party I am up for it. Pick a date and I will clean my house (just a little) and put on make up and wear some decent looking clothes that aren't covered with wax...lol.....tell me your food preferences (like maybe you don't eat lettuce because it scares you).......Amanda is moving out very soon, I think, and all of her children's junk should be gone....three dogs too. I will invite Shoresgirl over too and you will love her...honestly. I have known her for 23 years and there isn't a sweeter person in the world. She is so full of sugar that I gain weight just being around her...lol......Donita

Can a guy crash this party? I would gladly travel to VA to take a class from Donita.... her stuff is awsome!!!:D

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I just saw Donita's website...wow her creations are amamzing...being new to candle making I can only dream of what it would take to make candles as beautiful as her. We pay for advice from our Doctor, Attorney, Realtor because they know something we do not, there is value in their advice adn services. I do not see anything different with this. Donitas knowlege and talent are valuable to those of us who want to learn from it so there is no reason why she should not be compensated for her skills. JMO :wink2:

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I just visited Donita's web site for the first time and saw her stunning candles...I am flabbergasted by the artistry and craftsmenship that she has put into her work. Such a talent is truly a gift that very few of us possess.

And to whoever stated that one could simply "google" or use a general search engine to find Donita's techniques...impossible. Because what Donita brings to the table is so uniquely hers, and her work so original, it would be impossible to replicate her techniques via the web.

Take a famous painter, for instance. You too can learn to paint, possibly by taking classes, researching, or even apprenticing under another painter. But you will never re-create the Mona Lisa, Sunflowers, Starry Night, etc. You may even be able to mimick or reproduce the same style of painting...but the aforementioned works will never be yours. This too can be said of Donita's candles...I can completely justify paying to learn her techniques. She is simply offering to teach others about her unique methods, and that type of education merits a cost to those who want to be her students. I can't blame her at all for putting a price on her tutorials...if I were even remotely as talented as she, I too would charge a price.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm very new and was looking for another book, my second one to buy, and found this thread, I think the work you do it's outstanding!!!!! Please let me know when you start selling your tutorials, I will love to buy one and dream that I can make something remotly similar.

Please don't open your ears to negative words, it's just not worth paying attention.

Are you really in California? I'm in California!

Have a great weekend,


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Thanks for all the wonderful compliments.....really....I appreciate you all taking time to say such nice things. I just moved two months ago from Virginia to Tahoe City California. Been very busy so I haven't had time to be on a computer. I just got mine shipped yesterday with some of my candlemaking equipment....I left most of it behind.....but will be doing some new candles for the Lake Tahoe area. I have a special customer that I will keep making candles for too. I will make some time to check out Candletech to see what everyone is doing and get some new ideas....as well as help anyone with their questions too. If I don't know the answers then hopefully I can point you in the right direction. Everyone here was so nice to me (most everyone) when I first joined and that is what made me learn how to do so many different kinds of candles. So.....thanks everyone who helped me. I can hardly wait to check out the posts from the past two months and see what you all have been doing. I am sure that the bug will bite me and I will have to try something new.....we know how that goes......Anyway.....good to be back in good company and looking forward to having fun with all of you and wax.


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