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First Lotion From Scratch

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I just made my very first batch of goatsmilk/mango butter lotion from scratch scented with Antahala Vanilla from GL. Does anyone know if this FO discolors in lotions and body butters? My luck it will, but damn, it smells awesome!

You'd have thought I was conducting surgery with the sanitizer water, and prep beforehand. The Man thought I was nuts.

Now to figure out how to get it in these damn bottles.

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I use a turkey baster to get it into the bottles..

Sounds like fun! And slather "The Man" in it and he'll see why you're so happy!

Did you take extra precautions with the goatsmilk? I've been eyeballing my goatsmilk, but just haven't done it yet!

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Thanks for the replies!

Since I'm in the foodservice industry, I'm used to a high level of sanitation practices so it was just standard operating procedure. I've had more food safety certifications than I can shake a stick at. At one point a few years ago, I was a certified sanitation instructor for the NRA.

The bottles I'm using for samples are 10ml, so they're super tiny. I never can make it easy on myself, can I? I'm thinking about running to wally world later and picking up one of those meat injectors or one of the kids medical syringe thingies. In my head it works. The dixie cup experiment filled 20 bottles and was kinda messy.

The GM I used was powdered and I added it at the first stage. I'm not sure about using liquid.

I'm pretty happy with this recipe though, no greasies and it sinks into the skin. The only thing I don't really like it the lotion itself is semi translucent. I was hoping for more of a white creamy looking lotion.

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Go to the VET and get the largest syringe they have. I think it is called a cather syringe. This is the best thing I have found. Makes filling the bottles so much easier and they are ready to use. They are cheap enough to use a few times and throw away. Put them in the Dish washer after each use.

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Thanks for the replies!

Since I'm in the foodservice industry, I'm used to a high level of sanitation practices so it was just standard operating procedure. I've had more food safety certifications than I can shake a stick at. At one point a few years ago, I was a certified sanitation instructor for the NRA.

I know what you mean. Former restaurant manager here, and although everyone griped about those sanitation classes I thought they were pretty interesting. Guess that shows what a technical nerd I am. :D

But it's also why I get squicky about cleanliness and proper preservation of B&B stuff. (!!)

Syringes...if you have a Fleet Farm or similar farm & feed place nearby, you can get XXL syringes for cheap. Also, any place that sells items for butchering/curing meat has nice syringes, too! ;)

Congrats on the lotionmaking!!! :yay:

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Thanks Mag, much appreciated.

Fellow restaurant manager here too, and I gotta say that I can't wait to leave this industry! It'll kill ya quick.

I'm going to look for syringes when I'm out tomorrow, I think they'll work better in the long run.

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HA! If you haven't already filled those bottles... good luck girl. You'll be cussing like a sailor by the time you're done. I filled 100 1 oz bottles several months ago, and I will NEVER do it again :D I tried EVERYTHING mentioned in the posts above, and the only thing that worked was the syringe. The lotion had to be warm too, or even those wouldn't have worked for such a small bottle. Congrats on your lotion!!

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