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Another Logo Opinion---another update


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Well here's my take ... Be great if you could show some candles in that crystal ball, otherwise I'm wondering what the purpose of the crystal ball is, besides you wanting to use it.

Also, I'm not drawn to your name at all. The direction of it looks just to fill white space instead of being ummm "at one" with the image. My attention goes to the gaze of the fairy, which she's looking into an empty crystal ball and I find I have to force my eyes over to the name. Now if the name were on the left side, the directional would help. However, I'm still left wondering what's candle about this besides the name and how does this relate to your product?

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I don't like it honestly.

I just dont understand why so many people need half naked people in their logos. I am not a prude, I just dont want my stuff to sell b/c of sex. I want a nice pro logo that gets their attetion, gets them to buy. They will come back once they have had it. :wink2: I think the nudity is a gimmick at best, and a parody at worst. I can't think of any other company (big company) that used half nakid woman in its logo. Playboy makes it living off of sex, and it uses a bunny rabbit.

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I have to admit, I do not like the fairy either. Maybe if you had a more "Tinkerbell" type fairy, it may be more appealing to everyone.

Modified to add: Then again, a Tinkerbell fairy probably doesn't quite go with the name or a crystal ball, does it?

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ScentedWell here's my take ... Be great if you could show some candles in that crystal ball, otherwise I'm wondering what the purpose of the crystal ball is, besides you wanting to use it.

Also, I'm not drawn to your name at all. The direction of it looks just to fill white space instead of being ummm "at one" with the image. My attention goes to the gaze of the fairy, which she's looking into an empty crystal ball and I find I have to force my eyes over to the name. Now if the name were on the left side, the directional would help. However, I'm still left wondering what's candle about this besides the name and how does this relate to your product?

I don't think everyone's label has to have candles or a bathtub or soap or ANYTHING on it that says this is what i do. Flowers, or watercolor, or people, or many other things can express something about the person who's business it represents, better than trying to clumsily toss together candle graphics that just don't "do it" for ya.

That being said, I have to agree that the face of that little fairy looks trollish:D But if you think she's beautiful, and if you think she will represent what it is that you wish people to see about your business when they look at your labels and your site, then you need to keep her~

I completely agree with Scented in that your name needs to be moved over somewhere on that label..it might as well not even be there...the fairy and crystal ball immediately draw the eye's attention that way and everything else will be lost. But I think you are on the right track based on what you've told me that you want in a label and website :)

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I like them both. I really like the fairy as well. The only think I would say is that the "z" on your Ellusionz kinda runs into the "n", so at first glance it is hard to tell it is a "z". That is just my first take on it. Both of your labels are very nice!

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I like #2 better, but the script is very hard to read at first glance. You have to remember, YOU know what you do, but others who don't know you don't have a clue what you do and I doubt if they're going to take the time to try to figure out what your logo says. I would try using a slightly different script and clean it up so it stands out and is easily read. Sorry, that's just my $.02

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Ok here is mine...

When you chose your logo or any graphic that represents you and your company I think one of the most important things to consider is your "target market". Who do you want to appeal to? Honestly, in my opinion, there are very few images that appeal to every market. ( which is why there are some very succesful companies like Estee Lauder that have more than one line....they are targeting EVERYONE...ie...Estee Lauder...Clinque...MAC ( I think )...etc. Each has a different Image for the "target market"

I hope I am getting my point across here. Another example is, if you are wanting to target a chic/preppy market, the last thing you would do is pour your wax in Mason Jars and use Holly Hobbits for your theme/image and logo.

When I see the two choices you posted, the market I see it appealing to is the very young female market that has no personal expendable income. I do think that the "z" at the end of the name might be "cutesy" to them as well as the fairy fluff. On the flip side of the coin, they could have mothers with money that might support their shopping whims.


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