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Holy Grail Question

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Since I'm still waiting on a box or two for the swap I thought I'd knock out a scrub today as an added bonus. I made the holy grail and subbed mango butter for cocoa butter and cherry kernal for AKO. The stuff doubles in the mixer, but when it sits for a bit it falls again and seperates. WTF?

Any suggestions?

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Once i get the fluff, I take mine and sit it in an ice bath for a bit and scrape around the edges of the bowl on and off for about 20-30 mins. and incorporate it into the rest of the batch. That seems to help it thicken up just a bit for me.

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I second WTF, I've made Bohunks (haven't tried HG yet) and no matter how much butter or wax I add the dern oil seperates out :mad: !! Once I put the mixture in the refrig it looks great till I take it out and it warms to a certain temp. Its ok now that the a/c is now but that's not good enough. So needless to say I have a TON of seperated (when it gets too warm) Satsuma Sugar Body scrub. Good thing DH likes scrubs!!

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i'm no pro at this, so you might want to take this with a grain of salt. But after spending days reading every thing I could about HG scrub, I thought I'd try what some others were doing..........melting their butters, adding that to the oils, mixing by hand, just long enough to incorporate, and letting it sit all day or over night. Then I mixed it with my cheapo Sunbeam stand mixer, for no more than 15 minutes, making sure it didn't double and fall. I've used several jars, and one jar sitting down stairs as my tester is doing just fine, same as the day I made it, maybe just a bit harder. That was about 2 months ago. I'm going to make it again soon, and will do it the same way, just to see if it was beginners luck, or if letting it sit helps to keep it from falling or seperating.

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Then I mixed it with my cheapo Sunbeam stand mixer, for no more than 15 minutes, making sure it didn't double and fall.

So, you didn't "whip" it up? You used regular beater blades, right? Not a whipping attachment like my KA has? I am soooo confused!

Sounds like whatever you did worked!

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  • 4 weeks later...
:laugh2: Well if she didn't know before she ought to have it all figured out now! :laugh2:

They are recipes that are posted at the Dish.

The Dish? Is that a message board on aother website? :confused:

Also, what is FBB? I've done a search on it and came up with a lot of people selling it on the classifieds, but they didn't spell out words for FBB. I'm assuming it's F-something Body Butter...am I close?

I'm SO confused. Just when I finally got the hang of the candle lingo - here comes a whole new batch of words and abbreviations in the soap/body product making. ARGHHHH!

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The Dish? Is that a message board on aother website? :confused:

Also, what is FBB? I've done a search on it and came up with a lot of people selling it on the classifieds, but they didn't spell out words for FBB. I'm assuming it's F-something Body Butter...am I close?

I'm SO confused. Just when I finally got the hang of the candle lingo - here comes a whole new batch of words and abbreviations in the soap/body product making. ARGHHHH!

Foaming Body Butter. It's like a base for scrubs etc.


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Foaming Body Butter. It's like a base for scrubs etc.


Thanks so much, Carrie. I 'almost' had it right. *LOL* Just couldn't figure out what the "F" stood for.

So you just all salt or sugar and fo to FBB for a scrub? I'll read up on it. Who supplies FBB?

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You're welcome. I don't know for sure who supplies it, I didn't like it. It has a very distinctive soapy smell that I couldn't cover up. I ended giving away a bunch of it. I think Bramble Berry sells it.

I've read that you can add some oils to it. Look thru those threads you found yesterday, it was just within the last couple months that there was a big discussion on it.

LOL...You know, I searched to find what FBB stood for, I could have told you until you asked. I found it when I searched "what is FBB". I've seen it asked so many times it came right up. Just like searching "what is IPM"

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