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quick question

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This has been discussed a few times, maybe this will help you a bit.


I personally started with about a dozen to test, weeded out the ones that didn't work for me, added a few more. I think I have about 20-30 that I use on a regular basis right now, but have more to test.

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we started out with 10 between jars and tarts but then had a few more "specialty" types like muffins etc.. but now are up alot more. I have a standard line of 25 that doesnt change but then offer in seasonals or special scents.

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Well, my mom went hog wild and bought me like 20, 16 oz of her fav FO. So that's what I started out with, and I eventually got rid of half of those because they weren't that good in my wax. But now I have 35 scents but discontinue scents that don't sell well and add on when I have enough people asking for that same scent.

I carry 35 scents but I have at least 50 or more FO's in my closet. I'm an FO addict.

Mindy :)

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I started on the low side with only 5 scents...then as I have time to test a new one I'll add it. A little over a year after I started selling and I'm only up to 8. Now I'll make a ton of difference scents just for me :) I can't help it hehe there's just too many to choose from. When I find one that I just can't resist, then I start testing to add to my products.

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