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container burn

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Do you use wick stickums? I am kinda wondering if that is what is keeping it from going all the way down. Also if you don't mind my asking Do you make your own wicks or by them pretabbed? I was also wondering if the neck on the tab is too tall. Thx for help!


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Do you use wick stickums? I am kinda wondering if that is what is keeping it from going all the way down. Also if you don't mind my asking Do you make your own wicks or by them pretabbed? I was also wondering if the neck on the tab is too tall. Thx for help!


It could be the height of your neck tab that is keeping it from burning all the way down. Some leftover wax in the container is good to avoid fires.


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For safety reasons, you don't want the candle to burn all the way to the bottom. That's what wick tabs are for. 3mm tabs (just under 1/8") have been the standard for years, but 6mm (just under 1/4") are more common now, and even 10's are available.

I wouldn't want to use anything shorter than 3mm. One thing I've discovered though, if not using a wickstickum or silicone or something else that seals around the wick on the underside of the tab, the wick will....wick, all the wax (it will all be liquid when you get to that point) until the container is bone dry. By using a stickum or something like that, it prevents the liquid level from dropping any lower than the neck height. HTH.

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I agree that you don't want your candle to burn all the way down as the flame can touch the glass and cause it to crack. I wick my candles with at least a 3.8mm neck (and in the process of switching to a 6mm) just so they won't burn all the way down. I've had too many candles (not mine) that are made to burn all the way down that have cracked. I have a huge burn mark on my kitchen tablel to show for it - the jar exploded letting the hot wax get all over my table and catch on fire and then it caught my table on fire. Good thing I heard the noise and came to see what it was but it stll burned my table. I would rather have my customers burn a candle that left a little bit of wax on the bottom for safety sake.

Edited - it should have said at least a 3.8 mm neck and not a 3 mm neck. I was on the phone as I was typing and trying to pay attention to my Mom and my typing.

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I once burned a jar candle from a big company on my coffee table. It burned all the way down, then went out. Later when I went to throw the jar away, there was a HUGE black burn mark on my NEW coffee table. I was NOT impressed. Better to leave a little wax in the bottom!!

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Half inch of wax at bottom, here too. That seems to be a feasible amount for heat dissipation. Unless otherwise instructed, and/or designed to leave the wax at the bottom of the jar, I'd think that most customers would be quite negligent to this safety precaution. A candle which sucks up all the jar's wax would probably be viewed as most economical (increased hours per jar) to them.

...there was a HUGE black burn mark on my NEW coffee table.
My burning jars like to sit on a nice thick marble coaster. Maybe a similar arrangement will help prevent some matching burn marks.
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A candle which sucks up all the jar's wax would probably be viewed as most economical (increased hours per jar) to them.

My burning jars like to sit on a nice thick marble coaster. Maybe a similar arrangement will help prevent some matching burn marks.

That is why I always explain to my customers that my candles will not burn all the way down and why that is. I also show them the warning lable which clearly states to not burn that last 1/4 inch or so. I've been lucky because everyone one of my customers has understood this once explained that it is for safety reasons.

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We had a scare in our retail shop a few years ago, and had a candle explode, as well. SCARY! (It was a Yank**)
If you don't mind... do tell. Part of me files these sort of thing in a 'precaution' area in my brain for things to be aware of. Well, the other part... I'll just say, enjoys a good story. Hope no one got hurt.
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If you don't mind... do tell. Part of me files these sort of thing in a 'precaution' area in my brain for things to be aware of. Well, the other part... I'll just say, enjoys a good story. Hope no one got hurt.

Well, we had a retail shop for 10 years---started just out of college, (I shut it down a couple years back, and switched gears mainly to wholesale.) In our shop, we carried my line of candles as well as other name brands. One day the (damn) Yankee candle was burning, and kinda getting low----around an inch left, and it just exploded and caught the carpet and table on fire. It was pretty freakin' scary. Had customers in the shop too. God, what nightmare. One old lady was screaming and carrying on, I thought she was going to have a heart attack! Didn't know what to do first, put out the fire or grab the woman and calm her down. LOL. The funny thing about it was all of the customers were like "Dude, we are never buying another Yankee again, only your stuff!".....lol Worked out pretty good in the end, but my wife was totally freaked out and she didn't want to sell the other Yankee candles for fear of being sued or something.

Ahh, the joys of retail! LOL I do not miss those days.....at all!

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Ahh, the joys of retail! LOL I do not miss those days.....at all!

I hear you on the retail store. Alot of work! :wink2:

I know a few people that have had retail stores. Unless you have fantastic employees so you DO NOT have to be there, it is a hard thing to pull off. Plus all the overhead. No way. They worked almost around the clock and had no life. Plus, it becomes really hard to be "customer friendly" after a while.

I am thinking of taking one of my apts and making it into a showroom of sorts.

Something I can open when I want to, around holidays and such. Maybe even two times per month. It's probably over 1000 sq feet. I think that is something to consider down the line. I have alot of customers that want to come to my house and purchase things. This could be a good way for me to do that without alot of added expense.

And of course- I have fabulous girlie girlie boutique kind of thing in mind.

Something that I can sell my B&B stuff too. :drool:

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I hear you on the retail store. Alot of work! :wink2:

I know a few people that have had retail stores. Unless you have fantastic employees so you DO NOT have to be there, it is a hard thing to pull off. Plus all the overhead. No way. They worked almost around the clock and had no life. Plus, it becomes really hard to be "customer friendly" after a while.

I am thinking of taking one of my apts and making it into a showroom of sorts.

Something I can open when I want to, around holidays and such. Maybe even two times per month. It's probably over 1000 sq feet. I think that is something to consider down the line. I have alot of customers that want to come to my house and purchase things. This could be a good way for me to do that without alot of added expense.

And of course- I have fabulous girlie girlie boutique kind of thing in mind.

Something that I can sell my B&B stuff too. :drool:

I think a store is a great idea, we truly did very well, it was just a time in our lives when we wanted to switch gears and spend more time with our kiddos. So I would never dissuade anyone from that avenue. Especially if you have a place to do it in, go for it.

My wife misses the shop sometimes, she loved chatting with the customers. I just like to be able to set my own hours, you know? The mall hours really got to me---especially during holidays. Our only day off was New Years Day, and that was our inventory day. Had an employee embezzle 60 grand from us....amoung a few other minor incidents, so all in all it was a tough gig.

I travel quite a bit, so this fits me better. Now that we have kids, I do most the work so my wife doesn't have to :)

Oh--there is a great shop in a local mall that is cool, boutique-y as you mentioned, the woman that runs it does very well. ;)

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