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I've been making candles for about six weeks ... at least making the attempt. I've started with pillars, and have been using CBL141 wax with several different scents from Candles and Supplies. The scents are added at 6%, per the recommendation of the wax supplier, and I pour at 180 to 190 degrees. Although I've managed to make some nice looking pillars, I can't get a decent scent throw, either hot or cold. Most of the candles have no scent at all. I've tried all the wicks suggested by Candlewic for the size pillar and the wax, and still nothing. I've cured up to two weeks.

I've been reading a lot, including this board (what a great resource!!!), and done searches, but it seems the topic is so broad I haven't found an answer. Could it be the wax? Can anyone suggest a better wax?

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I've found the C&S scents to be hit or miss. Keep in mind that the scent throw from a pillar can't be compared to a jar, but they should have both hot and cold throw. What scents have you tried? You're not using additives, are you? CBL-141 is a blend and they are already in there. As an aside, you are pouring a bit hot. Try blending the FO at 180 degrees, stirring for two minutes and pouring.

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It didn't occur to me that it might be the scents. Duh! I've tried Lovespell, Chanel, White Linen, Cinnamon & Spice, Citrus with Basil, and several others. No, I haven't added anything to the wax. I can try pouring at 180, though, thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, I've used all 50 pounds of wax and need to order more. Any suggestions on another wax? Is it better to use a straight wax and do the additives myself?

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The wax is a personal choice. I use OK6228, which is also a blend. Some people prefer to use plain waxes so they can controll the additives better. I would stick with the wax your comfortable with to start with, and try different FO's from different suppliers. I use FO's from Nature's Garden, PEAK, BitterCreek , Tri-State, and Tradewinds. I would pick a few from some of these suppliers and try again..... if you still dont like the throw, then try a different wax.... just thought I would put my 2 cents in :cool2:

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Are you sure you're using the right wick? What size pillars are you making and what size wicks are you using? If you have underwicked your pillar that can explain the lack of hot scent throw...but it doesn't explain a lack of cold throw. Like Eugenia said, you can't compare the scent throw of a pillar to a jar candle...they will never be as strong...but if you can't smell any scent either hot or cold, I'm thinking it is either the wick or the fragrance oil itself.

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I've used CBL141 for 6 years now and have no problems pouring that hot, in fact it's recommended to pour between 175 - 185. I would increase the Candles & Supplies FO's to the full 1.5 oz/lb. and see what happens. I never could get a good throw out of any of their oils that I used years ago.....they seem better suited for B & B products IMHO.

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Good suggestions, thanks. I'm testing every wick listed on the Candlewic specs, so I know the wick shouldn't be the problem. I've found on the 3" pillar that the LX18 works great as far as the size of the melt pool. It burns the pillar down without any need to 'hug' the candle or anything.

Perhaps the problem is in the scent itself. I've ordered some from Peak's and will give those a try. I'll also test some using 1.5 oz per pound. In the meantime I believe I'll go ahead and order the CBL141 again, since I've already done lots of testing with it.

Thanks for all the help!!

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CBL-141 is actually OK6228?! Crap!!! I could have been buying ALL of my wax from Candlewic. Oh...the shipping $ I could have saved! I wish suppliers would just call the wax what it is instead of disquising it with their own numbering system. I've bought wax in two different places and been charged a ridiculous amount of money in shipping because I didn't think I could get both my waxes in one place...all because they change the name or numbering on it.

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I use nothing but Candlewic Waxes



I tried to see if other places sold this wax, but I was told by someone who works there that these are special blends and I could only purchase them through Candlewic. Not sure how true this is, but would love to find it somewhere else

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I have been using CBL 141 until something changed in the formula and I noticed too much vybar. I talked to Bill several times about it and he said that maybe "they" were having problems with they vybar or that the vybar itself had something wrong. That sounds like Bill isn't blending it there. I sent him pictures and he couldn't figure out what was happening. I am not using it any longer. He sent me a new slab and it is still not to my liking. It does hold a lot of FO, but that isn't my problem. I like it for pillars....but I needed something for chunks and this isn't working anymore. Donita

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I have been using CBL 141 until something changed in the formula and I noticed too much vybar. Donita

Yes I agree! Top mentioned once that if the top of your wax has that ripply effect, it is because of too much vybar. {please correct me if I got that wrong} I would never have known what I was looking at if not for that info.

I still am using that wax though, it's ok for me. It does hold a lot of scent!

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Vybar will do it but so will other things. I think Vybar would be too easy to duplicate, so I suspect Candlewic would be more inclined to use Gloss Poly plus some type of micro. You could start with something like 1343 as the base material. To make something like OK6228 I think you would substitute EVA in place of the polyethylene and start with a higher MP paraffin.

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