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wicking this jar

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I used a HTP 1313 wick in this jar and it is still not large enough. Anyone have any experience with this jar? I don't think it is big enough to double wick. I'm at a loss. Any help would be really appreciated!!!


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I would try double HTP73 to start, but you may need to go to HTP83. I double wick anything more than 3" in dia. I tried those jars out, but they weren't quite what I was looking for, but they are pretty jars when lit.

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I dont know if it is just the htp 83's or if they are too small.On my second burn after about 3 hours I have almost no flame. I'm afraid to use 2 93's bc thejar got a little hot with these in the beginning. Should I try a different size or a different type altogether?

Please give me input!!!


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You know, we always talk about wicks "drowning out" but I'm not sure that's what really happens. I think maybe they clog and then just burn out.

It happened to me a lot with CB-Pure Soy and I think we've had a couple of threads recently where it's come up with this wax. Never had it happen with CB-135 and Advanced.

It kind of sucks when you have a perfectly good wick size as far as flame height and melt pool are concerned and then it just dies on you.

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This jar SUCKED! for me with pure soy - it never burned right.. Then I was told that smooth sided jars work best for soy - any kind of hex , dex whatever jar I have tried never burned right..

Sorry I wasnt much help - but I htp1212 is what was best for me - still not getting a complete burn though..


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I believe this is a 16oz Classic. I have struggled with this one as well. I use KY125. With a few scents I can get it to burn with a CD22, htp1212. I tried the double wicking thing and didn't have any luck---it would seem I would get my melt pool in half the normal time and then the wicks would almost die out.

I have a friend who loves these jars and that's the only reason I even bothered--they are pretty when burning but tough to wick with soy......

Some scents will wick fine with the larger wicks---I gave up on my cinnamon scents-couldn't get singles to work or doubles....


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Not sure if this will help you or not, but I use an 8 oz. classic jar from candles and supplies and I typically use a medium cotton wick from At Wix End for this jar and have had success with all soy flakes and most fragrances.

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