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Handmade Laundry Detergent?????


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I don't know if this question has been asked before, but I had a customer today, ask me if I could make her NATURAL LAUNDRY DETERGENT for her daughter with skin allergies.

Is there such a thing?

I mean, the whole thing about making soap is that it has no detergents, fillers, additives etc. and I'm sure that's mostly what's in laundry detergent.

So what would do the trick to clean clothes in a load of laundry?

Would it have to be liquid or powder?


Any suggestions?

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Laundry soap is usually a liquid, or it can be super finely ground bar soap. It's generally made with either lard and/or coconut, and made with a 0% superfat. Ya sure don't want any free oils in what you wash your clothes with. I've heard of people adding orange eo also.

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I batted this idea around for a while and decided not to make it....

You need to use vinegar as a rinsing agent with your homemade soap or it will leave a residue on your clothes.

I just buy laundry soap with all natural ingredients. I find it in the organic or health food section.


You would be shocked to know what laundry detergent is made out of. One of the main ingredients is petroleum... and people wonder why they have skin sensitivity...Hmmmm.

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I make my own laundry soap with 100% tallow, and add sweet orange oil to it. I grate it up, and store it in a plastic container with a lid. I use about 1/2 cup per load of laundry. If you have a good water softener, then residue isn't a problem, and you don't have to use a rinsing agent like vingear. If your water is hard, then you will have to use a rinsing agent, since soap will bond with minerals in the water to form a residue (otherwise known as soap scum).


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Hmm.. Could a person add some EDTA at it's highest safe percentage rate to get away from the vinager rinse?

The recipe I have says if soap scum is an issue to add 2% EDTA.

I will never stop rinsing with white vinager, even if/when I add the 2% EDTA. Since doing so, no more skin issues in my house. It's been months since my daughter had to take benydryl for hives.

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I dabbled in making home made laundry detergent long before I made my own soap. Usually it was handmilled Fels Naptha, Ivory or a similar soap, some borax, water... I never really liked the end result of it sadly.

Grate the bar of soap, melt it in a saucepan (not boil but melt - this never seemed to go so well) with about 8 cups of H20, cup of washing soda (Arm & Hammer), cup of borax... stir stir and it will dissolve...

It turns into a gel-like goo. I think you have to mix that into some more water in a large bucket. I had a HUGE container that I did this with and then you use like a cup of the mixture per load (more or less depending on your washer, hard/soft water, etc.). It was really fun to try and make, but it didn't stick with me (went back to store bought) and I never found anything that seemed a better alternative.

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  • 1 month later...

I use an all natural, bio-degradable detergent made by Bio-Kleen.

I got it at drugstore.com

Absolutely, hands down, the best detergent I have ever used...and yippee! I'm not allergic.

Took the dirt and grease and odor out of my hubby's work clothes, and the whites...holey moley does it whiten! I noticed a difference immediately when I opened the lid to the washer. I didn't realize that my detergent wasn't working so well until I tried this stuff. Unbelievable.

Very expensive, but if you can afford it, very worth it. I think it was around $10.00 for a 5# box. The one without the additives actually worked better than the one with...which is a couple bucks more.

Great stuff. Wish I could make it.

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