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What causes wet spots???

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There are several things you can do: 1 - heat your containers before you pour (in your oven on warm or around 150 degrees for about 10 minutes. 2 - try to keep the room they are cooling in within 5 degress at all times - radical changes in temp can increase wet spots. 3 - some waxes are made to help reduce wet spots...you can look around for a supplier near you and read the descriptions. You want to look for a wax that pulls away from the container evenly, which will reduce your wet spots. But nothing is 100% - some will come out perfect and others will still have some spots, but to be honest, most customers don't notice, and a lot of times you can cover them with a label.


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Wet spots aren't really wet. No water involved. It's actually air pockets where the cooling/shrinking wax pulls away from the side of the jar. Just a spot where you've lost adhesion.

The others gave good advice about preventing/treatment. However, unless they are severe, I don't bother with them. My customers couldn't care less about them. :wink2:

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Squeaky clean jars. I swear by it!

I used to take the jars out of the box, heat them, cool them slowly...every tip I ever heard, I tried. Then someone (Mystical) mentioned washing the jars first and that reduced the wet spots by about 90%. Someone else mentioned that when they are made, there's a thin film of something on the jars. (Can't remember why it's put on...I think to reduce fingerprints while packaging or something. Damn, my memory sucks lately) Anyway, washing whatever it is off, helped tremendously!

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