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Lavender in Soy

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I am new to making candles and am concentrating on Soy. I've tried Lavender EO without success and am now looking for a lavender FO that would give a good throw in Soy. So far all of the Lavender FO samples I've tried smell like weak, diluted toilet water.

Does anyone know of a strong lavender FO ?

Also, has anyone ever had success with lavender EO in soy ?

Thanks so much, Jan

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I use EO's in MC 125. So far so good. With lavender it is a top note scent so you won't require as much other wise you have wicking problems. I do a top note blend of lavender, spearamint and peppermint. Its a good Sinus clearing blend or a room freshener. Sometimes using Lavender EO's alone for candles don't give the same effect as say Cold process soap. Even in the bottle pure Lavender doesn't smell as pretty as when diluted with a carrier oil or used in a product.

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I use 100% soy (EZSoy) and have excellent results with BCN's Lavender. It's one of my best sellers. That said, I just got a sample of the Bubbles N Lights Lavender Basil (from BCN as well, they sell BnL's FOs now)... OH MY GOSH IT IS HEAVEN!!!!!! So when I run out of the BCN Lavender, I'm getting the BnL Lavender Basil!!! Heard it throws well, but will test one first with my little sample. I guess I'm in the mood for a Lavender mix. Hope my customers love

it like I do.



Liz D.

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