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Cutting your soap from Misty Creek Molds


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Okay, I see everyone ooogling over these...and I have a mold just like these but its not a MC mold. Now here's my issue...

I find it a PITA to unwrap my soap from the freezer paper & lay it back inside so the darn blades will fit in the slots and cut. You can't cut through the freezer paper.

But of course you want a new layer of paper down on the wood, so your soap doesn't leave debris behind for the next soaping experience.

My only thought for a fix on this inconvenience is to purchase a 2nd mold just for cutting purposes. Lay some mylar down there and its always ready to cut your new slab. Pour in one, cut in the other.

Anyone else?

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I also have the Misty Creek mold and I agree with Malinda. I cut little slits above each slot on the sides with a sharp knife and fit my blade in, and never have any problems cutting them in the mold. Then I just lift the entire contents out of the mold, and peel them off the paper. This mold is a breeze to line and use.

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I've not had an issue with the blade not cutting through the freezer paper. That blade is AWESOME! LOL

I've only used the mold for about 7 or 8 batches now, but the blade cuts right through the paper. I've not found that I have to slit the paper first either, or that the paper jams. My blade is really pretty sharp though. Not blunt at all like I thought it was going to be.

HTH :)

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What I like most about mine is that honkin' knife! LOL

And lining the mold literally takes me about 15-30 seconds to do. It's awesome.

The mold you have might not be so bad, it may just be what you are using to cut with. What type of knife do you have?

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Ok dang it I want one of these molds too!!! :( I figure it's probably the only nice one out there that I'll ever be able to afford and yet I still think, $39+s/h :eek: EEK.

I guess when you're on as tight a budget as I am, everything seems expensive. :(

I've got all these oils just waiting for me to take the plunge into CP soaping, and just some old plastic drawer organizers (w/cracks in them :rolleyes:), and no nice knife or cutter to cut straight bars dang it. :(

Ok, I'm on my pity potty, major P/DMS sorry. ;)

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Carrie, u will LOVE that mold. :cheesy2:

Kim had the 18 bar size- it holds 4 lbs of soap perfectly. Once the bars come out of the mold~ they are a perfect size. But once they cure- they seem a bit small to me. But the mold is simply divine.

Heather made me 2 molds like that- bigger ones. One is a slab, and the other makes four logs at around 3 lbs each. I bought the biggest drywall knife I could find and it fits the mold's perfectly for cutting.

If I ever find the charger for the camera~ I'll post a pic of each mold. They are simply G~O~R~G~E~O~U~S~!!

:bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

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