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I have major candle nose.

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I can't smell my candles now unless I stand outside for ten minutes and walk back in the house. Even then I'm not sure if I'm smelling the proper strength of the scents. It's frustrating to not really know how well the scent throw is.

When you have others test your candle throw do you fully trust their opinions?

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You could have them test strength of your scents as objectively as possible. Here's what I do. I have testers walk out of the room (out of the house, if possible) for a few minutes of fresh air, then walk slowly back into the room where the candle is burning. They have to note where they first caught scent of the candle, then measure (rough estimate) how far away they were. Ten feet, eight feet, twelve feet away, etc.

I hate candle nose. Bleck.

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Sab, that reminds me of a funny story. (Well, funny to ME anyway. LOL)

I was doing a show once, and as usual, I lit one of my candles and set it on my display table. After I got a good melt pool going, I was mortified to discover that my candle wasn't throwing whatsoever. ABSOLUTELY NO SCENT. So I told my partner (we shared a booth) I was freaking because usually my candles stink to high heaven. She looked at me incredulously and said, "I CAN SMELL IT!!"

Whoops. After mongo pouring sessions, my olfactory nerves must have been totally fried. ROFL Moral of the story: Don't trust your burned out nostrils. hahaha Yeah, the coffee beans might help.

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When I'm testing for throw, I usually take a few days off from burning/pouring to clear out my nose, but sometimes that just not possible. I test for throw in our master bedroom and since I don't trust my nose anymore, I drag DH up the stairs and make him tell me when he can smell it and if it smells good, lol. I think he gets really tired of that game, but I need his opinion.

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My family is getting tired of walking in the door and hearing me ask "Can you smell that candle?"

The worst part is that they probably have candle nose too now from being around it so much! :laugh2:

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LOL! Yup, I use my kids heavily for scent testing. I don't even have to explain it to them anymore. I just say, "Check on the hot throw of this candle for me," and they walk out of the room, walk slowly back in, and start sniffing. ROFL They are well rehearsed with this drill. :grin2:

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LOL! Yup, I use my kids heavily for scent testing. I don't even have to explain it to them anymore. I just say, "Check on the hot throw of this candle for me," and they walk out of the room, walk slowly back in, and start sniffing. ROFL They are well rehearsed with this drill. :grin2:

Yep, same here, last night when my daughter came home and before she even got in the door I was saying "wait! Tell me what you smell first!"

I had a grapefruit/watermelon going in the kitchen and a mango papaya burning in the bathroom ( opposite ends of the house and the front door is about in the middle ) She's my most willling tester since I keep her well supplied in lotion:D

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Take longer than a 10-minute hiatus from this lol! Coffee grounds ... ummm yeah, it you can stomach snorting all that lol.

I think I've become sensory deprived and often ask my prtner if he smells such and such. Tis fun to drive them crazy constantly asking that question. It's kinda like being in a car with kids ... "are we there yet?"

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