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Is it really slow right now for anyone else?


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This is my first year selling. Before christmas I was getting orders every day. Now just little ones here and there. Is this typical? If so, will it pick up at all soon? Everyone says they love my candles and are the best they've tried so I don' think tht's a problem. Just wondering if I'm not being aggressive enough with marketing. Thanks for the input.

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Guest EMercier

I know Christmas is my busiest time. Also, some don't burn candles like others. I gave my mom one and she barely burns it. I'm starting to get lots of people that need refills, but it is slow. Then again, I'm not doing what I should be to get more business.

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Candles have always slowed down for me March through July. I tend not to do shows during the summer because of this. I found myself backing up and setting up for one day to make $60. Lots of smellers out there, but not spenders.

My spring/summer shows are much more of a b&b production and candles become an accent.

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Yes, this is my slow time of the year too. Why else do you think I'm hanging out on the boards so much? :laugh2:

Once farmer's market starts back up for me in a few weeks here, I'll be back to being busier than a one-armed paperhanger. So I'm enjoying my rest break while I can!

Website sales were huge in January for me -- big spike -- so things have slowed back down to a more reasonable pace because all my customers are well stocked. They tend to order a BUNCH at a time so they don't have to order again for a few months. LOL

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March is actually my slowest month. January & February have been slow but steady but March has been DEAD!! I have a show on Saturday so hopefully things will pick up. I'm trying to be more aggressive with my marketing as well so we shall see. Things will pick back up for me in April with a HUGE outdoor show that I do and then I have at least one show a month for the rest of the year so things probably won't be slow for me again until after Christmas! Hang in there...once spring gets here people usually start buying again. ;)

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As far as my WHolesale accounts...SLOW. But my personal customers...pretty steady. OMG FUNDRAISERS out the arse! I have 1 fairly large one starting on the 28th. I have had 3 smaller ones going on this month and tons of requests for fundraisers.

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March is actually my slowest month. January & February have been slow but steady but March has been DEAD!! I have a show on Saturday so hopefully things will pick up. I'm trying to be more aggressive with my marketing as well so we shall see. Things will pick back up for me in April with a HUGE outdoor show that I do and then I have at least one show a month for the rest of the year so things probably won't be slow for me again until after Christmas! Hang in there...once spring gets here people usually start buying again. ;)

Sounds like my experience. Slow but steady Jan-March. Then April-December BUSY!

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Soap sales are definitely stronger in the summer. Guess people *do* take more showers and baths in the hot weather! LOL But I've never had a day at market where my soaps outsell my candles. Candles still have the slight edge. HOWEVER, that could also be because I *started* with candles and added soaps later. So I've had a longer period of time to develop my candle customer base, KWIM? My soap customer base is just now starting to get on a roll.


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Right after the holidays sale plumet due to everyone being candled out. They get so many for Christmas. Plus, people are paying off the huge CC bills when they come in so very little buying going on. Things will start to pick up next month though. Just a little but enough.:tongue2:

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Other than a couple of regular customers, sales are very slow for me this time of year.

Good thing is I'm in the middle of one fundraiser and another large one just starting.

Also glad it's a little slow at times so I can do some necessary testing (I'm looking to change wax for my apothecary jars.

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Yes, this is my slow time of the year too. Why else do you think I'm hanging out on the boards so much? :laugh2:

I thought that you just liked it here AJ.. J/K

Yes, this is a very slow time for me too. I am working on developing new products and finding new suppliers for items that I wish to carry. I actually am enjoying the slowness. I can get something done..

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It's why I got into B&B in the first place, to cover those slow spring months for me, to carry a product mix that was more even over all the year. It was slow because of me, though, I never took advantage of all the hallmark holidays and fundraisers I could have worked for.

Actually, this year it's an extremely busy spring, luckily. Jan/Feb were my best Jan/Feb ever.

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Picks up for me at the end of April before mothers day, lots of orders from regular customers but wholesale accounts are not parting with much money right now. I have be developing a touristy line with my soaps, lighthouses flip flop soaps, and shells , guest soaps and my wholesalers are going nuts for them, all cp , very time consuming and take a lot of room to cure but I am confident they willl sell well on the seashore.

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I have 5 fundraisers going on now, 1 small one about to be delivered, 1 large one and a small one I am pouring now, a big one just started, and then another starts next week. I am so thankful for these. It will probably get slow after May 15th. Then I need to start getting ready for the Holiday Seasons. I guess that's what it's all about.

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I don't often light candles (except for testing) during the warmer months. Somehow seeing the flame makes it feel hotter even though the candle doesn't really give off heat, at least not enough to make the room hotter. But it might help boost sales during the warmer months if you offer clean and fresh scents which feel cool.

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I agree with the other gals on the fundraisers. This is my best year yet, and I've been at this for 10 now. Fundraisers have gone mad this year!

My wholesale accounts are pretty steady, but soft sales in Feb for sure. Picked up about 2 weeks ago, and now we are pretty busy. I find my real soft time is July and Aug more so than now. We take that time to stock up for fall fundraisers and wholesale orders. I have the bulk of my holiday wholesale line pre-sold by the end of june, and I have 80% of my fundraiser bookings in before schools let out, so i can get an idea on what fall numbers will be.

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I thought that you just liked it here AJ.. J/K

Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO like it here! Everyone has been so kind to welcome me and given me such positive, warm feedback. I'm not even joking here (as I usually am. LOL) :D Great board!

Well I had a sales spike in Jan. (double my normal sales volume -- whoot!) but Feb. and March have been much slower, which is more my normal pace for this time of year.

I'm kinda liking the slower pace, but if it lasts too long, then I'll get nervous. ROFL

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