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My first attempts at Votives...


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Here are my first attempts at votives....It was a last minute decision to make these....I created as I went....usually I plan out every step...

These I call Strawberry Twist...(strawberry with a touch of lime)..so yummy!!!!!

I used Soy Wax....

Do you wanna see!!!!!! Here they are....I am soooo excited I actually made these...can't u tell....


Thanks for Looking at a Newbies Votives....ahhhh I am soooo proud of these babies...:grin2: :grin2: :grin2: it can only get better right!!!!!!!

Hugs Maggie

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The mold I used was a silicone mold from the Superstore....my friends sent it to me and they work awesome!!!!!

Thanks again everyone...I think I am hooked on making votives....Just what I need another thing to do.....:D :D

SHHHHHHH don't tell my Hubby please....MUMS the word right!!!!!;)

Hugs Maggie

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Hi Maggie......I really like your votives. It sounds like the smell wonderful. It will only get better...lol....and more expensive...lol.....we old people don't have any money left....all goes on wax and supplies...there are always new things to try...it is sooooo tempting to buy it all. You will see.....this stuff will drive you nuts. But it's a good nuts.....Donita;)

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Hi Maggie......I really like your votives. It sounds like the smell wonderful. It will only get better...lol....and more expensive...lol.....we old people don't have any money left....all goes on wax and supplies...there are always new things to try...it is sooooo tempting to buy it all. You will see.....this stuff will drive you nuts. But it's a good nuts.....Donita;)

Hey Donita, don't scare her off now. ;) But dang girl, if ya aint sooooo right!! LOL

Those are just darling Maggie, and you SHOULD be very proud of those especially for firsts girl, those are just too dang cute!! Oooh and that scent combo I bet is wonderful!!

So, tell me how or what you used to poke you hole in the flower to get your wick up through there??

Oh and did you originally use wick pins?

Oh and how long did you wait after you second pour to place the flower?

Sorry, just a bit nosey!! :D

And I don't even make votives! LOL

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