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Lye Safety


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She has tremendous courage. I didn't have the courage to tell you all my story. My 2 year old injested lye this past summer. His entire mouth was burned along with the top portion of his esophogus. We have been thru numerous outpatient procedures. He had surgery in Jan. to remove the damaged portion of his esophogus. When I read her story I was reliving my experience. The cries and emotions she feels is exactly what I went through and still feel. I have forgiven myself to some degree but not totally. Please be careful everyone. My son got into my LOCKED area where I soap so now even more precautions have been taken. Needless to say I have only soaped 1 time since August 26th. Please be careful.

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I am glad that this mother had the courage to admit her mistake, but at the same time help someone else. :awww:

I have 2 boys a 5 and 6 year old and I still haven't taken the plunge to work with lye due to the fact that I need to work around my sons, because they can be wild and crazy at times when I'm in the kitchen making candles or M&P. This is a valuable lesson for soapers old and new to learn the proper procedures of handling lye and the safety procedures as well. I'll pray for Konner, his mom, and their whole family as they go through his recovery.

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  • 1 year later...

This is an old post but wondering how this sweet little guy made out w/ his eye sight ?

How horrible this is, but I use it as a learning tool for people just starting out making soap. As hard as it was to share the story and pics w/ my children (the tear are welling up even after all this time) I knew a picture was worth more than a thousand words. My kids still bring this story up so I know it made an impact of them and the importance of respecting Lye.

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You know I was wondering the same thing the other day. Thanks for bumping this up. I think that this is a good post for newbies to read when it comes to working with lye.

And MichelleOH how is your little one doing?

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You know I was wondering the same thing the other day. Thanks for bumping this up. I think that this is a good post for newbies to read when it comes to working with lye.

And MichelleOH how is your little one doing?

Well, he is getting better. We are now seeing the surgeon every 3 months instead of every 3 weeks. Steroids have been are life saver. We aren't out of the wood yet but we are starting to see some light;)

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Well, he is getting better. We are now seeing the surgeon every 3 months instead of every 3 weeks. Steroids have been are life saver. We aren't out of the wood yet but we are starting to see some light;)

Good, I am glad to hear things are getting better. I would have sent well wishes earlier but I never saw this post after I posted until today.

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. . . . .

Can't speak. I almost didn't look at the article, just from skimming through the posts I had a pretty fair idea how awful it would be.

I have no kids, and my precious border collie died a few years ago, so I only need to watch out for myself, but PLEASE everyone take care.

MichelleOH, my warmest wishes for you & yours.

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Oh my...............what a heartbreaking story and such a good reminder of the dangers of lye. Lye is dangerous but there are so many other dangers around the house for all of us but little ones in particular.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest ttmontes

Newbie here with three girl oh my gosh Michelle I am so sorry I cried reading this and couldnt stop kissing my daughter who is only 20 months old, I will always think of this story and now put my lye water that I have over night on a garage shelf that my three girls cant reach. Thanks for sharing your story I know it must have been hard but its a good thing for us all to know that freak accidents happen to all of us just some worse than others hugs to you and your son, Ive made mistakes that Ive beat myself up for about my girls so we are not all perfect and life works in mysterious ways. I just thank you for your honesty and will take this story with me every time I make lye now.

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Newbie here with three girl oh my gosh Michelle I am so sorry I cried reading this and couldnt stop kissing my daughter who is only 20 months old, I will always think of this story and now put my lye water that I have over night on a garage shelf that my three girls cant reach. Thanks for sharing your story I know it must have been hard but its a good thing for us all to know that freak accidents happen to all of us just some worse than others hugs to you and your son, Ive made mistakes that Ive beat myself up for about my girls so we are not all perfect and life works in mysterious ways. I just thank you for your honesty and will take this story with me every time I make lye now.

Here is a Update...My son had his last surgery right before Thanksgiving. We don't need to go back to the Dr. until summer! I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, now! Thanks guys!

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Hi MichelleOH, I am a newbie here, and have just read the original story, and then yours, and as I wipe the tears, I must thank you for sharing your story with everyone, and let you know I am so happy to hear that your son is doing better and you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. You ARE very courageous for sharing that, and I appreciate it so very much.

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I can't even imagine what it is to go through something like this. Good to hear your little one is doing well Michelle. Saying prayers for him and for the little one in the op as well.

This kind of thing, has actually been what has me scared even imagining someday making lye soap with two little ones in the house. I've read a lot about respecting lye on this forum, but have never seen this thread before. Boy am I glad I did. Thanks for bumping this one up.

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Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes. The last two years have been very difficult for me. I still feel the guilt and I'm ashamed at times at myself. It has been a long road. He is the love of my life along with my husband and other son. Please be careful out there.

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Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes. The last two years have been very difficult for me. I still feel the guilt and I'm ashamed at times at myself. It has been a long road. He is the love of my life along with my husband and other son. Please be careful out there.

Michelle, accidents happen. I think everyone knows you or the person who's story was in the op, wouldn't intentionally hurt your own children. I'm saying this sincerely. It was an accident and you didn't want it to happen.

I consider myself an excellent mother, and my kids have been hurt and I've felt the same way. My oldest son had sneakers on when he was 1 1/2 and wasn't sure in them yet. Not picking his feet up all the way. I knew it and it didn't cross my mind that anything could ever happen. I had bumpers on tables, child safety locks on everything. You could eat off my floors they were so clean. Well one day he was walking right to me when I was sitting at the kitchen table. We were about to go out soon and just finishing up breakfast. He came toward me and fell and hit his head on the door jam. A few years later in life he was diagnosed with ADHD and it could be from frontal lobe damage. His whole right side of his head caved in in the shape of the door jam. I wanted to kill myself when I found out the ADHD could have been from his fall back then. I felt even more guilty than I did that day, years later.

He's going to be 18 this May, and I've come to terms with my "bad judgement" moment. He's fine and doing great even with his little challenge in life. Great grades and very good son and just a great kid in general. I know I never wanted him to be hurt. My God I'd die for my kids, and I'm sure you would die for your son too. An accident. Horrible accident. *HUGS* I hope one day soon this will fade a bit for you as it has for me. Horrible when things like this happen, but no one plans it.

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I'm glad you are soaping again Michelle. These kind of accidents really are terrible but looking back sometimes you can see a lot of growth that happens during the struggle of recovery.

Just like the poster above we have had an accident in our family due to a lack of judgement (though the accident was to my husband and HE was the one with the lack of judgement so it's a little different) It was a emotionally and financially draining mistake for the whole family. He fell off a roof over two stories onto agregate concrete sustaining life threatening injuries and we were told he may never recover fully. Thankfully that was not the case, but it was a good 4 months of surgeries and rehabilitation, no income, no house (had to sell it), etc. and that was just to really bad parts! My husband blamed himself for a long time. He's lucky to be alive and we look back now and can see the growth and take that for what it's worth.

I think it is similar with this situation. I'll bet those kids are nowhere around that lye now and that everything is safer at your house! (and the extra bonus is you get to hug your baby still and it's probably even more endearing now, you won't take it for granted - I know it's that way for my hubby and I and it's been almost 2 1/2 years...)

God bless!


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Thanks so much for posting this. I really want to get into soap making this year and have been debating M&P or CP(or HP) soap making. This post was a real eye opener. I purposely haven't gotten into soaps earlier because my daughter was a toddler but now even at 5 she's a maniac around our small house. No for now M&P the way to go for me.

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