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Have you seen this vessel?

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I was poking around youtube and saw a woman making candles using this beautiful frosted dark purple vessel with a wood lid.  She specifically said that she didn't want to tell people where she got them from because she likes the unique purple color, which I totally understand.  I really like the jar shape and size (it holds 10oz of wax) and that it is dark enough not to see through the container, but not completely opaque so that the flame lights up the jar really nicely.  Has anyone seen this vessel?  I would love a black version.  They kind of reminder me of the Cali jars from California Candle Supply, but the Cali jars seem more opaque.  They also look a bit like the West Coast jars from Sixteen Seventeen, but those are smaller,  more translucent than I like, and the lid has a more rounded edge.


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On 2/18/2021 at 5:14 AM, SmellsSoSweet said:

I was poking around youtube and saw a woman making candles using this beautiful frosted dark purple vessel with a wood lid.  She specifically said that she didn't want to tell people where she got them from because she likes the unique purple color, which I totally understand.  I really like the jar shape and size (it holds 10oz of wax) and that it is dark enough not to see through the container, but not completely opaque so that the flame lights up the jar really nicely.  Has anyone seen this vessel?  I would love a black version.  They kind of reminder me of the Cali jars from California Candle Supply, but the Cali jars seem more opaque.  They also look a bit like the West Coast jars from Sixteen Seventeen, but those are smaller,  more translucent than I like, and the lid has a more rounded edge.


It reminds me of this one from Alibaba but I don’t see the purple option. Ill keep my eyes peeled. https://www.alibaba.com/pla/Custom-logo-home-wedding-decoration-3_62519409749.html?mark=google_shopping&biz=pla&src=sem_ggl&mark=shopping&cmpgn=11637237034&adgrp=120122066104&locintrst=&locphyscl=9031201&ntwrk=u&device=c&dvcmdl=&position=&pla_adtype=&pla_mrctid=254529816&pla_channel=online&pla_prdid=62519409749&pla_country=US&pla_lang=en&pla_group=298190246337&pla_localcode=&gclid=CjwKCAiAyc2BBhAaEiwA44-wW_ZyI9aS8f2SMXSWhAw3Z2ya53mVwIcwWAh0iuAHuh43ynxcgEHuyhoCzioQAvD_BwE#shopping-ads

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