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Mushrooms, no full MP's...PROBLEMS!!!

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OK, so I decided to do my first round of wick tests sans fragrance or color. I'm using KY125 in an 11oz apothecary, poured (slushy) just below the point where the jar begins to narrow. I have the following wick sample packs purchased from Bitter Creek...



Cotton core

Paper core

Zinc core

I have tried every wick size in these sample packs. I have single-wicked, double wicked, and triple wicked trying to get a full MP in the proper amount of time based in the diameter of the jar (approx. an inch an hour). I have YET to get a full MP in approximately three hours...it's either no full MP at all or a full MP in about 30 minutes.

In addition, almost every one of the wicks, regardless of the type or how many used, is mushrooming. I thought mushrooming was caused by a too-heavy FO for the wick used or too much dye. As I'm not using fragrance or dye in these testers, why am I getting the mushrooms???

I'd appreciate any suggestions, thoughts, or H-E-L-P anyone would be willing to give. :yes:



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OK, so I decided to do my first round of wick tests sans fragrance or color. I'm using KY125 in an 11oz apothecary, poured (slushy) just below the point where the jar begins to narrow. I have the following wick sample packs purchased from Bitter Creek...



Cotton core

Paper core

Zinc core

I have tried every wick size in these sample packs. I have single-wicked, double wicked, and triple wicked trying to get a full MP in the proper amount of time based in the diameter of the jar (approx. an inch an hour). I have YET to get a full MP in approximately three hours...it's either no full MP at all or a full MP in about 30 minutes.

In addition, almost every one of the wicks, regardless of the type or how many used, is mushrooming. I thought mushrooming was caused by a too-heavy FO for the wick used or too much dye. As I'm not using fragrance or dye in these testers, why am I getting the mushrooms???

I'd appreciate any suggestions, thoughts, or H-E-L-P anyone would be willing to give. :yes:



Sherry I don't use this type of container, but what is the diameter of the jar you are using. That may help others to offer advice.The mushrooming just seems to be something that is inherent to the wicks being used. Myself I use HTP's and always get the mushroom tip, as long as there not sooting up the candle container you are probably okay. There is another thread that may address some of your questions you have, it sounds as though you did everything right with respects to temps and pouring and mixing. Any way here is the link




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Thanks for the reply!

Sorry about the measurement! The diameter of the opening is a 3", but it is wider lower in the jar...about 3-3/4".

This is SO frustrating! I tested in paraffin...same jar/wicks and got a full MP with two 44-32-18P's in a little less than 2.5 hours with no mushrooms. I'd love to be able to use the soy waxes (clean-up is a BREEZE) in the apoths, but I just can't seem to get it right. I have NO trouble with the soy if using smaller containers...I'm stumped!

Again, thanks!


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The link John gave has good info. Why don't you try LXs as every wick you gave in your first post is cored except the HTPs. Unfortunately no matter what you do soy is going to shroom more than paraffin - all things being equal. I've had pretty good luck with the LXs minimizing it. Unfortunately once you hit that 3" mark with soy, unless you are using one of those "advanced" soys that melt easier, that diameter can be pretty difficult to wick properly. 3" with soy is just a hair too big to single wick and too small to double wick. JMO.

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Unfortunately once you hit that 3" mark with soy, unless you are using one of those "advanced" soys that melt easier, that diameter can be pretty difficult to wick properly. 3" with soy is just a hair too big to single wick and too small to double wick. JMO.
LOL, yes, 3 inches tends to be the magical tipping point. Anybody who thinks soy burns cleaner than paraffin doesn't have much experience with the average 3 inch container single wicking solution.

God I would love to use the CB-Adv. I'd even be willing to work around the scent throw issue if it would stick to glass properly.

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Unfortunately once you hit that 3" mark with soy, unless you are using one of those "advanced" soys that melt easier, that diameter can be pretty difficult to wick properly. 3" with soy is just a hair too big to single wick and too small to double wick. JMO.


(I agree) BUT.... I wouldn't trade my soy for anything :naughty:

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Henry, what soy waxs/suppliers are you talking about when you said,

"unless you are using one of those "advanced" soys that melt easier"


EcoSoya CB-Advanced. Just about the only soy that doesn't wick crappy or semi-crappy.

(Sorry HenryK, just passing through and thought I'd answer.)

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EcoSoya CB-Advanced. Just about the only soy that doesn't wick crappy or semi-crappy.

(Sorry HenryK, just passing through and thought I'd answer.)

Hmmmm. Mine wicks fine. :smiley2:

But of course I use a proprietary blend of all natural waxes. Works for me.

I despise Eco Soy and all those C-3 whatever waxes. They don't do it for me.

Soy can be mastered- it takes alot of patience and ALOT of testing.

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Hmmmm. Mine wicks fine. :smiley2:

But of course I use a proprietary blend of all natural waxes. Works for me.

I despise Eco Soy and all those C-3 whatever waxes. They don't do it for me.

Soy can be mastered- it takes alot of patience and ALOT of testing.

LOL, I'm just being fussy. The downward-burning tendency starts to get annoying at around the 3 inch mark. HenryK is using CB-Adv and was referring to the fact that it's probably the only soy that doesn't have that tipping point where you start thinking about double wicking it. It acts a little more like the paraffin container blends.

Have you kept your blend all-veggie?

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