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Soy wax and additives

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I am so glad i found this place! I am new to making candles, and have read so much, I never realized how many things there was to learn about candle making. So my big question, Is there an additive for Soy wax that will help the fragrance? Cold throw I am not concerned with, But when I light the candle, I feel it should or could be stronger, but I don't want to drown it out either. I know you can use vybar, but i thought that was only for paraffin primarily, and not so much for the fragrance release for soy. And of course the UV, but I live in ND, its not hot here, and I don't plan to keep the candles near a window, so I did not think that was what i needed. So i thought you experts would know something i should be using to help the soy wax release fragrance better. Thanks in advance. And I will apologize now for what may just be a really simple question. 

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Hello Laurie,


In my experience I can tell you adding uv I add to ALL my candles whether they are or aren't near a window.  I primarily sell wholesale to stores and most of them have flourescent lighting which does discolor candles so I have to add that for that purpose but there are still a few fragrances that still turn color even with the uv and even some stores that don't have flourescent lighting or are not placed near a window still DO discolor.  If  you are making candles sheerly for your own use, than I wouln't use uv.  I do not use any other additives other than that so I can't you there.


There are many variables that will effect scent throw.


1.  How much oil per pound wax used.?

2.. How much additives did you add??

3.  How long did the candles cure for.?

4.  What wax and fragrances did  you use?


Can you advise the above questions?




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2 hours ago, Trappeur said:

Hello Laurie,


In my experience I can tell you adding uv I add to ALL my candles whether they are or aren't near a window.  I primarily sell wholesale to stores and most of them have flourescent lighting which does discolor candles so I have to add that for that purpose but there are still a few fragrances that still turn color even with the uv and even some stores that don't have flourescent lighting or are not placed near a window still DO discolor.  If  you are making candles sheerly for your own use, than I wouln't use uv.  I do not use any other additives other than that so I can't you there.


There are many variables that will effect scent throw.


1.  How much oil per pound wax used.?

2.. How much additives did you add??

3.  How long did the candles cure for.?

4.  What wax and fragrances did  you use?


Can you advise the above questions?




@Trappeur What are you adding to 464 and is it to get a better throw?


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Thanks so much for answering. I was under the impression that there was some product/additive out there that was supposed to be in my candles, I really appreciate the help. I am using 6 oz and 8 oz tins right now, and i try and use no more then 8% fragrance because I don't want to ruin the wax. I am using CS 6006. I try and let them cure for 2 weeks at least. The wicks was a real headache, but i think i finally got that under control. :0)  I have been trying different fragrances from different places to see which smells the best, and best for the money at the same time. I will for sure check into the UV though. Thank you again for your help-advice. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Laurie, I don't use your wax but I do add USA (Universal Soy Additive) to my candles and melts.  I never really tested to see if it improved hot throw but I've heard from others that it does?  I use it for adhesion purposes and also to help the melts come out of clamshells really easily.

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