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Front Porch Fragrance I just Got....


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 I just got these fragrances and oh my so awesome smelling!  Can't wait to get in wax in the next couple of days...Never ordered from this company so we shall see.


Buttered Maple Syrup:  Smells real yummy...I'm thinking it lacks a little depth like maybe need some more maple syrup in it.  Think I will do a sample as is and then do another one by adding maple syrup to it.


Pumpkin Pecan Waffles:    Terriffic, awesome!  I'm trying to replace Tennessee's.  I have about 4 different ones from different companies I'm testing so this  will go on the drawing board also.  But it sure is heavenly!


Marshmallow:  I thought i was smelling VBN.....Love it!  Going to do a Smore's candle with this also....


Cider Lane:  It's nice but nothing special in my mind.   I will have to see if this blooms into something great.





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Let me know how your Smores blend turns out ! Sounds like you've got some winners ! The toasted marshmallow I got from RE just isn't doing it for me.

Something about it that smells plastic-ey to me. Bellsfshells on this forum said she bought Vanilla Bean Marshmallow from JS and said OOB it was just

ok but once in wax it bloomed + was wonderful + strong. I think I might try it.Have you tried this one? The Cider Lane - I think most ciders are basically 

the same or thats what Ive found anyhow. I think JS also has a Maple syrup that get good reviews. What about the one you got from RE .. didn't you like 

that one ? Yesterday I poured Fillmore's Cranberry Cirtus - oh, it is so nice :) Just love their oils - they don't smell cheap. How did your little jar burn?

Hope the PPW is a good replacement for you.

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2 hours ago, Moonstar said:

Let me know how your Smores blend turns out ! Sounds like you've got some winners ! The toasted marshmallow I got from RE just isn't doing it for me.

Something about it that smells plastic-ey to me. Bellsfshells on this forum said she bought Vanilla Bean Marshmallow from JS and said OOB it was just

ok but once in wax it bloomed + was wonderful + strong. I think I might try it.Have you tried this one? The Cider Lane - I think most ciders are basically 

the same or thats what Ive found anyhow. I think JS also has a Maple syrup that get good reviews. What about the one you got from RE .. didn't you like 

that one ? Yesterday I poured Fillmore's Cranberry Cirtus - oh, it is so nice :) Just love their oils - they don't smell cheap. How did your little jar burn?

Hope the PPW is a good replacement for you.

Your right about RE Toasted Marshmallow.  I have some of it and I have a pound of it coming.  It is lacking something.  I always thought that even though everyone raves about it.   But I'm going to play around with it as it has to me a good starting base....just missing something.


I also agree about the cider as I have a few of them and really nothing to write home about. My good account the apple orchard account has their own ciders and actually a wine cider and I would like to come up with something in a candle to compliment this.  I did see when I googled that there is such a thing as a mulled cabernet cider. 


Oh, I had forgotten about the RE Vermont Maple Syrup!  Thank you for reminding me!  I just pulled it out.  I just love maple syrup.


The little crystal jar you sent me Moonstar I poured my own blend of Limoncello in it with a cd 6 wick worked beautiful!  I have it going now.  It has a little bit bigger melt depth almost to 1/2".  I like to try and keep my depths to about 3/8.   But this jar is NOT HOT WHAT SO EVER.   And the throw is great.  I have it in my very small bathroom.  I think the next time I fill it, I will try a cd5.....but the 6 is doing just fine.  




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I didn't like the ah/re marshmallow Oob, I didn't smell a thing actually. And in wax the CT does have an odd note to it. But when I lit it I was pleasantly surprised.


to combat the off note, how about a drop of campfire smoke? Just a little to smell like you're at a camp fire with an oozing marshmallow dangling off of a stick.


or a splash of vanilla?


in real life, the marshmallows in the store bags smell just as nasty :D they make me gag a little. I have made some from scratch and found marshmallows can redeem themselves when made with nice ingredients.

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Trappeur , I would love to know your results on the PPW from front porch LOL:)

I sent you the MS sample & you should be receiving it soon .Please let me know the strongest results you get .I am tempted now to try Front Porch .I thought I had settled on MS until I read your post lol :)

 I have heard great things about FP . I do so far love the oils I received from MS. I put the Iced lemon Danish in the wax yesterday ,love love love this one . I will keep my notes on all the oils I purchased from MS .I have tested so far & love their PPW ,Peach Magnolia Raspbery & now the Lemon Danish . I may just have to place a FP order now ....NEVER ENDS RIGHT!!!!!!!

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20 hours ago, TallTayl said:

I didn't like the ah/re marshmallow Oob, I didn't smell a thing actually. And in wax the CT does have an odd note to it. But when I lit it I was pleasantly surprised.


to combat the off note, how about a drop of campfire smoke? Just a little to smell like you're at a camp fire with an oozing marshmallow dangling off of a stick.


or a splash of vanilla?


in real life, the marshmallows in the store bags smell just as nasty :D they make me gag a little. I have made some from scratch and found marshmallows can redeem themselves when made with nice ingredients.

I think your right about adding something rich like vanilla Tall Tayle.  It's lacking something in depth and I was even thinking of adding some hot cocoa to it.



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19 hours ago, katmeltswax said:

Trappeur , I would love to know your results on the PPW from front porch LOL:)

I sent you the MS sample & you should be receiving it soon .Please let me know the strongest results you get .I am tempted now to try Front Porch .I thought I had settled on MS until I read your post lol :)

 I have heard great things about FP . I do so far love the oils I received from MS. I put the Iced lemon Danish in the wax yesterday ,love love love this one . I will keep my notes on all the oils I purchased from MS .I have tested so far & love their PPW ,Peach Magnolia Raspbery & now the Lemon Danish . I may just have to place a FP order now ....NEVER ENDS RIGHT!!!!!!!

lol, lol - the search never ends is right!  I haven't yet, but still am going to order from Maple Street the same scents you got as they sure sound awesome.  I have them all in my shopping cart and even have some more things.....lol....   I just have been ordering from so many places I'm going bonkers and I need to get  everything in wax.  Did you burn your candle in pumpkin pecan waffle yet?    I sure will let you know my results on Front Porches PPW.  As soon as I get your sample, I'll make a candle out of it immediately!:)



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Yea Trappeur this oil shopping never ends :)Gosh & Black Friday is arriving soon ,oh no we are all in TROUBBBLE LOL. So many BF fragrance oil sales will be going on. HELP HELP!!!!

I made wax melts with 1 sample of my PPW , loved it. I sent you some PPW wax tarts made with MS oil & Maple pecan Strudel WSP ,along with the PPW oil sample. Let me know your opinion which one is stronger PPW MS ,or PPW FP. I know we both use different wax ,still should be able to pin point the stronger one. I also wanted to know about the VBN from FP when you test. I am going to make a decision between WSP ,MS or Front porch VBN. I laughed when I read your message this morning about having your cart filled with MS ,I am in process of the same with Front Porch .I am making double & triple scented wax chunks to try & reduce my fragrance oil inventory. I just received another order from Aztec . They have a new fragrance called SANTAS FARTS LMBO :) 

 Description is Buttery& Creamy sweet chocolate with nutty top notes sitting on a base of rich Vanilla & Cotton candy bottom notes. I will get this one in the wax asap. It has a yummy aroma OOB :)

I also received a Aztec email this morning another new one posted Lush Type called YOG NOG . Aztec is now a Crafters Choice authorized Distributor. They are taking request for any CC products ,I am going to ask for the VANILLA BEAN NOEL fragrance oil to be added ,will be much cheaper thru Aztec rather than WSP lol. I will let you know if they will be adding it .I hope so because I do not like the VBN they have at this time at all. I love a lot of Aztecs oils & products ,however the VBN is not one of them. 

I am going to try Aztecs all soy tart blend & post results . I want to try my luck at soy & ordered a 5lb sampler bag .I have some crafters waiting to hear how this wax performs in tarts ,so I will post when tested. I once again apologize for such long post .I try to keep these short ,just have a heavy hand when posting LOL...I annoy myself at this lol.... If we all start requesting  Crafters Choice VBN from Aztec ,maybe they will add this one for us. Aztec is taking request for any CC products for anyone interested. I will be waiting to hear from you on the PPW & Maple pecan Strudel. Thanks friend ,Kat


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  • 2 weeks later...

No Countrygal, I haven't ordered it from Just Scent.  Geesh I have about 4 or 5 different companies that I ordered the PPW from and I made candles out of all of them.  Just waiting for them to cure then I'll put up reveiews of my findings...So you liked it better? Hmmm....what wax are you using?  I'm using 464.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Trappuer ,Any results on your PPW? i went ahead & ordered some PPW from JS ,should arrive this week. I do love Maple Streets ,just  want to try them all. I also placed a order with FP ,hope to find some good oils from this co. I will be using a lot of MS oils in the future. Their oils seem to perform very well in my wax. I read someones post here about the PPW from JS ,was very good & strong. I decided to order along with some more oils. I have some Flaming oils on the way as well. I think you said their Redwood& Cedar was very nice ,I think that's the one . I love to smell wood scents ,so looking for a good one .I like to blend oils & this one should do the trick for what I am wanting to do. i  jumped in on Aztecs Black Friday sale along with FB's. FB has 25% off everything until Sunday midnight. I love their oils! Gosh FP prices are really low ,hope the quality is good. I am waiting for WSP to have their year end sale for the VBN . They did not have their usual BF sale :(....  Filled my cart  WSP & decided to wait for the semi sale. I can wait 6 more weeks to grab the VBN ,still have some from TCS. I have heard great compliments on WSP wonderful VBN .Sounds like this is a must have oil. I love their Maple pecan. strudel & great price. Please let me know which PPW performs best for you. I know your a busy lady & I appreciate your opinion ,Kat

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On October 28, 2016 at 2:58 AM, Trappeur said:

 I just got these fragrances and oh my so awesome smelling!  Can't wait to get in wax in the next couple of days...Never ordered from this company so we shall see.


Buttered Maple Syrup:  Smells real yummy...I'm thinking it lacks a little depth like maybe need some more maple syrup in it.  Think I will do a sample as is and then do another one by adding maple syrup to it.


Pumpkin Pecan Waffles:    Terriffic, awesome!  I'm trying to replace Tennessee's.  I have about 4 different ones from different companies I'm testing so this  will go on the drawing board also.  But it sure is heavenly!


Marshmallow:  I thought i was smelling VBN.....Love it!  Going to do a Smore's candle with this also....


Cider Lane:  It's nice but nothing special in my mind.   I will have to see if this blooms into something great.





I tried all of these too and liked most of them! Have you ever tried Crossroads Buttered Maple Syrup? Oh my gosh I love it!

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