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First Attempt at Swirls

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My first attempt at making some swirls! This is the 8th batch of CP soap I've done and I finally said heck with it, I'm trying a swirl, lol. I've done a few in-the-pot swirls, but this was the first time trying something like a butterfly swirl (although no butterflies made an appearance in this loaf, ha-ha). I still think it came out interesting, though. Smells lov-er-ly...scented it with Elderflower from Mad Oils and Ylang Ylang from New Directions. The micas are all Mad Oils micas...Satin Penny, 3 Olive Martini, and Grape Nehi.


I'm also doing an extra happy dance over here because a soap supplier opened up just a few cities away from me! :dance2: When Peak closed down their Colorado warehouse, costs for shipping of all my candle supplies went up for me, so I'm happy that I can now get soaping supplies locally to cushion that extra cost burden. Woot-woot.



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Thanks again all!


I had showed this soap to my husband when I first cut it, and he gave me one of those it-looks-nice-because-I-love-you smiles. Today, I showed him a butterfly-swirled soap I purchased from another soaper and he said, "Wow, that looks good!" Then I told him it wasn't mine...at least he had the decency to look sheepish. :laugh2:Time to practice more!

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I love it....I do see a winged creature though!!  This is how most of mine come out....my first one looked like a moth!  But...I see an exotic bird....if you look at the bar 

as an individual...I kinda see a peacock! :)

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2 hours ago, debratant said:

I love it....I do see a winged creature though!!  This is how most of mine come out....my first one looked like a moth!  But...I see an exotic bird....if you look at the bar 

as an individual...I kinda see a peacock! :)


Oooo, peacock! Didn't see that until you said it. I drove myself crazy staring at it, hoping to see a butterfly...and it kept morphing into weird creatures. Then I felt like they were staring at me whenever I walked by the, so I gave up and just decided it was a swirled blob. It's cool, though. Motivates me to try again!

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