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Ok I need help. I have this customer that has purchased candles from me for a few years. 

Today she bought her candle to me and it was half burned. She told me the candle is burning her eyes, I'm not sure what that has to do with me. But I told her I will take it and burn the rest and also do some research. Now I'm not sure she's purchased many many candles the same scent from me. I asked if any of the others made her eyes burn, she said no. So let's start

the jar is the 12 oz Libbey Square(from dollar tree)

wax: 6006 excel mix

wick: 62

fo .08 melon Jasmine from NG

please help I will continue to research but I'm not sure none out of that batch only this one candle


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@mzphee I have seen this happen.  I have a customer who formally purchased my French Lavender.  I use the same fragrance each time i make the candle. I use 444 & Fragrance from Natures Garden.   She came to me several months ago and said that she and her husband have had a reaction to the candle.  She immediate said that she refused to buy anymore.  I informed her that it is possible that she has developed an allergy either to the Soy wax or to the fragrance.  I advised her to try another brand to see if she has the same reaction.  Just a week ago she asked about purchasing from me again in a different scent.  I write this to say it is possible to grow an allergy to the fragrance or the wax.  

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It is absolutely possible to be sensitized to fragrance components. Heck, the only sc3n*y melts I tried made my eyes burn and throat begin to close. I had to open all the windows (January in N. IL) to breathe.


Fragrances are are made of dozens/hundreds of aroma chemicals. 

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11 hours ago, Vicky_CO said:

Your customer has purchased a lot of this same scent? I want to make sure that is right.


My eyes burn when ever I sensitive to a scent. I am talking board line allergic. It could very well be she is becoming sensitive to that scent.

Yes the only scent she will buy from me. This time she purchased 3 jars and she said only one jar made her eyes burn. It's burned down half way

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I have been wrecking my brain all of what you guys shared I appreciate and somethings I knew. I even told her maybe your senses is rejecting it. She told me I'm not ready to part with my scent... And asked me to see what I can do.... I CANT DO ANYTHING OTHERTHAN MAKE HER ANOTHER CANDLE....✌?️

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That is weird. It could be she has developed a sensitivity to the fragrance but somehow I sort of doubt that. You have no way of knowing where the candle was burning and even if you did you have no control over the environment. For that matter, you have no way of knowing what she was doing at the time. She could have just been taking medication or using a new vaporizer or scent pellet or powdering her nose or the cat walked by or someone was smoking or cooking or cleaning or spraying an aerosol. Who knows what. My guess is she was having a reaction to something going on at the same time that affected her. I think developing a reaction to that fragrance or wax combo would be vary rare. Its much more likely something in the environment set her off.


Also, why was she able to burn it half way and then it suddenly affects her? I say something in her environment is most likely the culprit.


I bet if you made her another of the same candle and just gave it to her she would not complain and probably not have the same reaction again.


Just my:2cents:

Edited by Candybee
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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry guys I opened a store in November and still trying to get adjusted..yes I finished the candle and I had no issues..i just replaced the candle..i think its her and not the candle

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