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Tea Light Molds vs Direct Pour into cups?

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Hi everyone! Anyone have any thoughts on the benefits of using a mold vs direct pour into cups? Have you used molds from Mann Lake or Betterbee or Candlewic?

Do you know if the tea lights poured into molds can then be putting into the cups?

I look forward to any advice!


Sr. Mary Catharine

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The only time I use a tealight mold is when I'm pouring pillar wax into it - without the wick, then putting that wax puck in a pillar mold to make a "forever" candle. Otherwise when I make actual tealights (which is very rare) I just pour directly into the cups. 

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I always used the cups. But quit making them years ago as they didn't sell because folks could buy tea lights at Wally's like a bag of 100 for $2. I just can't compete with that.


Even if I could it still wouldn't be worth my time as I couldn't make money off of them.


So every now and then I make a few for myself and still pour directly into the cup.

Edited by Candybee
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thanks, everyone! We sell quite a bit. We make them with 100% beeswax. I guess it is a "niche" market of people willing to spend more for tealights than usual!


I usually make about 100 at a time. As I go on I spill more! :-( I try to get them filled as much as possible so that people get the best value for their money.

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