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Craft Show Rain Out!


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So I finally recieved my second rain out ever. I was hoping for the best but it didnt end up going our way this time. Fortunately it ended upo not being a show I will return to and I rather it be that show than the one I'm doing this weekend. Its a big show and I want to do well.  I made a short video because I know how some of you all like listening to me ramble on. LOL! I through in a twist and added some fun commentary along the way. I hope you like it and maybe it will help some of the crafters here on what to do and not to do if it ever rains on them.  :D



Craft Show Rain Out- click the link to go to youtube.


Edited by jackbenimble
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Wow!!! The soggy ground said it all! What rotten luck. I hate it when your show gets rained out. I also know what its like to pack up when its pouring and trying to keep yourself and your stuff dry. The port-a-potties were a crackup. I would not have been thrilled to be that close to them either!! So sorry about the rain out. Hope you and I both plus all the peeps doing shows this coming weekend have good weather.


You do know that a cold front is sweeping through the east? Not sure if it will be as far south as you but you may get some colder temps this weekend. We are supposed to get temps in the 50's but the sun should be out. That will be a blessing!!

Edited by Candybee
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Nice video!  I had a bad experience like that last year at the beginning of October.  We had to set up in a couple inches of snow and the weather did not get much better throughout the day.  Needless to say I will not be doing outside shows this time of year up in this neck of the woods anymore.  I did not go back to that same show this year.  


I went to a different one where I had the option to be inside for a little more money.  It turned out to be a great show and next year I will be more prepared and have more stuff made up.  It was a 2 day show and I was almost sold out of stuff by the morning of the first day. 

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Wow!!! The soggy ground said it all! What rotten luck. I hate it when your show gets rained out. I also know what its like to pack up when its pouring and trying to keep yourself and your stuff dry. The port-a-potties were a crackup. I would not have been thrilled to be that close to them either!! So sorry about the rain out. Hope you and I both plus all the peeps doing shows this coming weekend have good weather.

You do know that a cold front is sweeping through the east? Not sure if it will be as far south as you but you may get some colder temps this weekend. We are supposed to get temps in the 50's but the sun should be out. That will be a blessing!!

Thank you Candybee! Like I've said before its part of the job and I know some people don't like the outdoor shows for that very reason but when it's good I get totally hooked. The customers and making the sell. I get into it!

Yes I've seen some reports but it looks like it's going to stay in the mid 60's here in Atlanta. Perfect fall weather!

I hope your shows go well too!! Good luck to us both and everyone else that's doing shows!

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Nice video! I had a bad experience like that last year at the beginning of October. We had to set up in a couple inches of snow and the weather did not get much better throughout the day. Needless to say I will not be doing outside shows this time of year up in this neck of the woods anymore. I did not go back to that same show this year.

I went to a different one where I had the option to be inside for a little more money. It turned out to be a great show and next year I will be more prepared and have more stuff made up. It was a 2 day show and I was almost sold out of stuff by the morning of the first day.

Thank you pcbrook! Oh my! I cannot fathom snow! Wow! Well I'm glad you had a good show and next time you'll know how much to bring.

I love knowing what sales I did the previous year at a certain show. That way you bring exactly what you need and not a bunch of extras.

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I am so sorry you had bad weather. My hubby and I used to do shows too and I would always get so bummed out when it would rain. As ALWAYS, love your video! You are so talented! Hoping you rock your show this weekend!! :) :) :)

Thank you Daiseymay! Your so sweet to say that. :-)

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AAAhhhh, I'm so sorry for the lousy show you had Paul...I remember one time doing a show and it poured and I wasn't so lucky as you in keeping everything in the dry.  It is of course no guarantee that we will have good weather, so we hope for and do the best we can, right? !!!  I'm glad you did a video!  You are so entertaining!!!,   I especially loved the portalettes! , lol, lol...  Keep them coming these videos....and yep....."loved your ramblings!!!lol, lol..


Knock em dead this weekend Paul!  Can't wait to see this video....



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AAAhhhh, I'm so sorry for the lousy show you had Paul...I remember one time doing a show and it poured and I wasn't so lucky as you in keeping everything in the dry.  It is of course no guarantee that we will have good weather, so we hope for and do the best we can, right? !!!  I'm glad you did a video!  You are so entertaining!!!,   I especially loved the portalettes! , lol, lol...  Keep them coming these videos....and yep....."loved your ramblings!!!lol, lol..


Knock em dead this weekend Paul!  Can't wait to see this video....



No worries! It has been a different story this weekend! our 3rd best show ever so we are thrilled! On to the next one this coming weekend.

I'm glad you enjoyed the video and my ramblings! LOL! I wasnt able to do a video this show as we literaly couldn't sit down we were so busy. Which is great! I do have a pic and I'll post that in a bit. 

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