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confessions of an addict

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I find this to be a little ridiculous, but I can't help it. LOL 


Most people in this and the candle making craft are fragrance addicts (as am I) but IDK, there is just something about colorants that I cannot get enough of. (Obviously!) 


This tub is full, and this is only about half to 3/4ths what all I have. 

It's soooo ridiculous!~ LOL But I love it! 


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Anytime you want to shed some of that habit just send some my way!


Okay. That is a lot. I have about half of that or less. Mostly because I bought the natural soap colorant sampler from SMR. It was a pretty big sampler kit and makes up half of all my total colorants.


I think if I had money to burn I have the makings of an addict. Everytime I look at colorants and make a list out it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Its probably a good thing I don't have money to burn or I would have a boatload of colorants as well as FOs.

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Uhh, Candybee, I have that same sampler from SMR. LMAO 


See? I told you it's ridiculous!! I've calmed down a lot on my fragrances, but man I can't seem to pass up a sale when I see it on colorants!! It's so bad!! 

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Uhh, Candybee, I have that same sampler from SMR. LMAO

See? I told you it's ridiculous!! I've calmed down a lot on my fragrances, but man I can't seem to pass up a sale when I see it on colorants!! It's so bad!!

I bet you don't have that ultimate set of cool liquid dye colors that candlechem sells on eBay. I have them all and it's great. Just sayin'. ;)

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I have a TON too but I also have a mineral makeup business so having a lot of colors is kind of important (well that's what I tell myself)  I should take a picture of all of mine too.  I have a ton of micas and then I also have a lot of liquid soap colors.  It's crazy but it's necessary, right?

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I bet you don't have that ultimate set of cool liquid dye colors that candlechem sells on eBay. I have them all and it's great. Just sayin'. ;)

UGH WHY do you do this to me??? LOL 

no, I don't have those, but I do have all the liquid colorants that TKB sold at the time I bought. LOL 


Now I have to go check this eBay site out... *sigh* 


Enablers. Every. Single. One. Of. You!!! 


I love it   

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I have a TON too but I also have a mineral makeup business so having a lot of colors is kind of important (well that's what I tell myself)  I should take a picture of all of mine too.  I have a ton of micas and then I also have a lot of liquid soap colors.  It's crazy but it's necessary, right?

Yes, it IS necessary!!! Very much so! LOL 

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I'm thinking for B&B colorants, that is not quite enough.  I just threw away a ton of candle colors, never use them anymore.

Yeah, the pic is only about half of my B&B colorants (I found enough to fill another tub full after I took this pic).

I don't have my candle colorants in with this bunch, they are separate and in the candle corner of the room. I don't have near as many of those though... 

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Well you make me feel better, but seriously I have a ton of color mostly mica some oxides. I blame the conservatorie for a hugh portion of my colors, they have that  $50 minimum purchase, and they package in 3.5 oz sizes, but even without a coupon their prices are amazing. I usually can get nine or ten 3.5oz packages for the minimum purchase. Then I sneak a couple from Nuture in, so I am guilty too.

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