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Can't smell a thing!

Guest OldGlory

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Guest OldGlory

And I am trying to test new fragrances. Omgoodness, this will finally push me over the edge, lol.

For the last 3 days I have been testing brand new FOs in soy, and each one was weak. I was so disappointed. I got a little bit of a whiff of one and got excited and then it was over. I finally pulled out my new favorite, Bamboo & Grapefruit, and I could barely smell it... and it occurred to me that maybe my sniffer is off. So I got out my trusty blackberry sage candle which throws GREAT in soy and lit it up. It's been burning for 4 hours now and I can't smell it at all.

Now I know it's me. I don't have a cold, my head isn't stuffy, I just can't smell a bloody thing. I'll wait a few more days and try them all again. I am relieved to know it's me and not necessarily the fragrances!

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That happens to me quite often. I hate it. :( 


Right now I'm glad it hasn't happened because of the water damage, and not having anything really repaired right now, just dug/ripped up, dried out, and ready to be repaired my house has a funky smell to it, so I've been burning more candles recently than I normally do. It's made a huge difference. :) 



I hope your sense of smell comes back soon!! 

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I get candlenose the same day I make candles. Then on days where I am smelling many jars and sorting them out...bam! Again with the candlenose.


It doesn't really take that much to get it for some. Sounds to me like you need to step outside for some fresh air. Maybe talk a walk or go to the store, park, whatever. Try again after you have had a decent break. If it still doesn't work wait until tomorrow!

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