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What % do you use in a melt


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I use 1-1.2 oz per pound. I am one of those that thinks it's a waste to use more. I get great results with what I use so I feel no reason to use more. Some of them, I could even use less and they'd still be super strong. My customers love them so I am happy. :)

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I use a blend of soy for melts and use 10%- the cold throw is not there for me if I use less- some oils will frost more as a result but I have learned to be okay with that

6% to 10%. It is more often 10%. I am getting more conservative though. I'm a fragrance hog or hound. What do you call yourself, Karen?

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I just started making melts and I have been slowly upping the percentage. I started with 6% but they didn't seem to do well so I tried 8% then 10%. I definitely like 10% more. I am using a para-soy wax though so maybe with the soy you need more.....

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It would probably blow the hair off your head to have more than an oz pp! LOL (like Amish Quilt)

Lol - I just poured this yesterday and was sick to my stomach every time I walked in the kitchen while they were cooling! Gotta remember to back down on that percentage for Amish Quilt!

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Hi..I have been playing with palm wax...(container) I tried to play with making the tarts/melts now and find that the palm container does not come out of the molds for the melts ;-( I have a case of the container palm to play with and wanted to know if any way to use this for molded tarts and have it come out of the metal molds? Mix with soy?

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Hi..I have been playing with palm wax...(container) I tried to play with making the tarts/melts now and find that the palm container does not come out of the molds for the melts ;-( I have a case of the container palm to play with and wanted to know if any way to use this for molded tarts and have it come out of the metal molds? Mix with soy?

Mix with a pillar or votive wax. You can use soy, palm or paraffin - just make sure it's a harder votive or pillar. YOu will have to experiment until its the hardness you want.

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