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I have my domain name with GoDaddy and my hosting with Designer 218. I used to have GoDaddy's Website Tonight but it was very difficult for me to have a professional looking site, and I did not even have a shopping cart!

My site is still a work in progress, but I can tell you first hand that Mandy is super quick to respond to tickets! I am 150% happy that I switched from GoDaddy to Designer 218 hosting. I did purchase a web template from Polka Dot Dandy, but Boutique Mama also has some beautiful ones!


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I have my current website and domain with Yahoo Business. But I'll be moving soon, my business partner/friend (an online entertainment magazine) is making me a new website and our server will be hosting the new website, saving me $19 a month. I made my own website and purchased graphics from Trina Clark.

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I have heard the GoDaddy hosting + Zen Cart complaint about a million and two times now. If you have the correct hosting you would have no problems with it... (EDITED TO INCLUDE THE "CORRECT" HOSTING) =

To answer the OP's question, get your domain from where ever you wish. It's going to run around $5 - $12 per year for it... not a big cost...

Hosting is where you get into a monthly cost. You can either use a free host (such as Weebly or Wix) **I've used both and Weebly was the better of the two IMO. ****CORRECT HOSTING**** Do NOT get the "Windows" hosting, get the "Linux" hosting to make Zen Cart and just about ANY other "installed" shopping cart to work better.

Now if you're willing to pay a few bucks a month, go with GoDaddy's Economy Hosting which runs around $3 - $5 per month, install Zen Cart and you have a shop. I've used Magneto, Wordpress, OsCommerce, NopCommerce and a few others... they all work the same really... it's just who has the best support IMO.. Zen Cart has been around for many years and has a very active community (just check their forums). Along with GoDaddy which has been around for some years and offers 24/7 support for when you screw things up (which you will... I know I did about a dozen times).

Good luck in your adventure... for it is truly an adventure!

Edited by EccoLights
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I operate a small hosting company on the side, I charge my customers $10 per month for hosting. I prefer GoDaddy for domain name registration, but have never used them for anything else. I also sometimes freelance website design, not as much as I used to though, just not enough hours in the day anymore.

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