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A scent for dipped bear to display....what would you choose?


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Ok so I got suckered into doing a tiny giftables fair this coming weekend. I have a ton of bears I've made and I have 2 more left to do. I have them all wrapped nicely in cellophane and I'm going to leave one out as a display.

Now, which scent should I pick? I'm marketing them as mostly baby room fresheners so have 85% of them as baby room scents (children's room, vanilla lav., welcome home, doodle bug, ones like that). The ones I have that aren't typical kid scents are 7up pound cake, creme brûlée, flannel sheets. I have a ton of fragrances.

I was thinking perhaps Amish harvest since it's been a HUGE hit (I have a ton of testers testing melts and every single person has been head over heels for it!!!) but then wonder if I should stick to my theme of childhood scents OR if I should stray entirely and go with something seasonal? (Candy cane with vanilla, or something childish but seasonal, kwim?)

I have banana, peanutbutter cookies, milk and cookies, hot chocolate, a ton of seasonal ones...Too many to list.

So, what would you do? I'm so torn and I'd like to get them done up tomorrow while DH is off work.

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At this time of the year, I'd go spicy, but not in something that will brown or yellow the bear (depending on the color of the bear of course.) And I would probably make it something that would be tolerable as winter comes around too. You have an apple cinnamon maybe?

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I read the question, and the first thing that came to my mind was " Amish Harvest" which to me is saying a LOT , considering I've never used it, but from the description from the website, and everyone's glowing reviews, it seems like one that would be strong enough to carry the scent well, and draw people into the booth. Even though most of the ones you carry are baby themed, you gotta get them to the booth to get them to buy, and right now, people are looking for that homey, spicy, autumn/Christmas scent!

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rct, I can understand your feelings on those. A lot of people have that same feeling about not only the bears, but also the tps.

I found out marketing them to people who worked in office's, day cares, nursing homes ( or having someone in nursing homes cause you know no matter how much they clean, there's always that "smell" around ), dorms, teachers, etc places they can't burn or even spray things, I figured out real fast that they might be silly, but I sho was making a bunch of money with those silly ole thangs LMAO !!!

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