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Everything posted by lmc

  1. I believe these are wider and will require a larger wick...best to test first!
  2. I agree...I have both and they smell the same. Imo, even when they burn, you cant really tell them apart.
  3. I usually heat to 190* remove, add fo and stir. Remember to add citrus fo's at a lower temp to avoid a 'fuel' smell. Didn't have a problem ever with it reaching 190* in double boiler...are you sure your thermometer is reading accurately? That said, a presto pot is great for making large or multiple batches.
  4. Soy tends to have 'natural' bumpy looking tops after subsequent burns. You can minimize the look of this by tempering the wax and/or adding USA (universal soy additive, NOT the same as UA)...about 1tbs pp. You could also try adding a small amount of CO (coconut oil) but I strongly suggest you do not use both USA and CO together. Excel already has additives in it, so try just tempering the wax first...really does help.
  5. You should be fine using 10% although I wouldn't go much higher...keep in mind heavier bakery fo's need to be added at 185* or above with this blend and stirred well.
  6. I thought the same thing...they're stunning!
  7. I accidentally had my order duplicated and they promptly cancelled it with no hassles : )
  8. Beth is right...unless you're passionate about it, be best to look into other venues. There are SO many variables to contend with while developing your 'system'. You will easily spend well over 1K just in start up and testing alone and even then may not have devoloped a candle that would be acceptable for resale. This is by no means an inexpensive craft. If you do love candles, have lots of spare time and cash for testing and development, then read up on waxes and decide whether you want to work with paraffin or soy, then which type after that. Peak offers several kits along with 2lb samples of most of their waxes, and have a very good reputation for quality and customer service. Both above posters gave good advice, I know it took me close to a year before I had my 'system' down and had a high quality product. Best advice is pour over this forum...you'll discover just how frustrating and rewarding this can be...hth
  9. I use color diamonds with paraffin and love them!
  10. They're incredible...beautiful work!
  11. Im looking to rename one of my scents-Maui Wowie. Its tropical with tart citrus notes...any suggestions? tia
  12. Hoping to play catch up this weekend... Cinn. Crumb Cake Apple Fritter Maui Wowie Caribbean Colada
  13. They're beautiful...great job!!
  14. He is adorable! Love the expression on his face!!
  15. I live in the Phoenix area and get my waxes from Peak and Lonestar...hth
  16. Ecosoya CBA is a beautiful soy container wax that makes awesome looking candles w/o much work...however, with the beauty comes the beast. It is a very finicky wax when it comes to ht...I started with this wax and it spoiled me on its aesthetic qualities but ht just wasnt up to my expectations. Then moved on to GB 464...much better ct/ht with wider range of fo's, had I stayed with it (pita to wick) I would not have used dye because of frosting issues. I have since moved on and love the veggie wax I use now, but I was determined to make this one work lol...hth If you want to try Ecosoya...try the Excel, some have said this wax has better ht but still looks great.
  17. Have you tried the ECO 4 yet as I first suggested? I think the ECO 6 may get too hot half way down but imo, I would start with a 4...hth
  18. CS Macintosh CS Very Vaniila CS Red Hot Cinnamon You can make great throwing combos along with the single ones with these 3 : ) BTA...I'll be pm'ing soon!
  19. Abigtroutt...have you had a chance to use and test this wax yet? Inquiring minds want to know ; )
  20. Good to hear your husband is doing well. Your soaps look great..loving the Tuscan melon : )
  21. There are some great threads on C3 and you can always ask for advice on here...far more fo's will work with C3 imo. Every soy has its good and its bad qualities...the key is to pick which wax is right for you, then learn how to deal with it. There's usually a solution for most issues one may have :-)
  22. Imo, CBA is a very finicky wax when it comes to hot throw. Its the most beautiful soy, but it lacks in scent throw. Alot is dependent on the fo's used and wicking...I eventually moved on to C3 and love it. You can attain a very nice candle with CBA, but you will spend some extra time and $ finding the right fo's for this wax. Problem is that once you see how easy it is to work with and how great it looks that if and when you move onto another soy, you'll be frustrated by it lol! Most soy waxes will require alot more effort to achieve a nice looking product, but there are a few with great ht...its a trade off I was willing to make.
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