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Everything posted by SuzyK

  1. Oh yes, I forgot about the cure factor. I wait at least a week to test them. I just melted one that I poured a couple of months ago and it was so nice and strong- had it going for 2 full days and was still strong when I was ready to move on to a different scent.
  2. I don't use that wax but try heating the wax a little more before pouring. I heat mine (I use a blend of EcoSoya waxes) to 185 and then mix the FO in. I use the same warmers to test and I get more than 8-10 hours with most of my scents with 2 cubes.
  3. I'm such a dork. I realized after I posted this that I can take the wax out of the clamshells and portion cups and weigh them that way. Duh. Thanks for the reply!
  4. This is my first fall season in business so I'm adding 8 or 9. And then another 8 or 9 for Christmas.
  5. My clamshells weigh 3.6-3.8 oz. Can I put on my label a net weight of 3.5 oz? I have 3 oz on there now but now that I have learned to pour better, I can get a bit more in there. My portion cups weigh 1.8 so I can put 1.5 oz on the label right?
  6. Welcome!!! Good luck with everything!
  7. I don't use an additive in the soy wax I use. I use the Lonestar liquid dyes also and they are great!
  8. SuzyK


    I haven't had problems with them sucking the scent out. I've had some for months and they are fine.
  9. Nature's Garden has a clean cotton too. it's a great seller for me.
  10. SuzyK


    I use the ones from eclamshell and they are great. I haven't had any problems with them. They hold a lot of wax. I weigh them between 3.2 and 3.8 oz.
  11. Thanks! it is a necessary evil and it stinks. I have been using it as my business account for years and never had a problem with it. I did some research and there are some people way worse off than me. One guy said he had like $10,000 in reserve! I am switching to Propay for my credit/debit transactions. I've used them before and never had a problem. I just want a way to get that money out of reserve.
  12. I have had paypal since 2003, so it's not really new, just the Virtual Terminal. Ugh.
  13. I am so annoyed with Paypal right now. When I signed up for their virtual terminal, they put a rolling reserve on my account. Now 30% of every payment made to me goes into a reserve for 90 days. I cannot run a business with that, well I can but I don't want to. lol. I have $200 in there that I could really use right now. Has anyone been able to get rid of the rolling reserve?
  14. You can't always judge a scent by what it's like OOB. I have one that I did not like at all OOB, but once I put it in wax, I loved it.
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just sent 38 new scents to my tester! AND I'm already starting a list of new ones to try.
  16. I agree with Lorelei, I just finished testing the Satsuma from Nature's Garden and it smells so good!
  17. I used .6 oz of FO. I was making 2 clamshells and 1 portion cup so about 7 oz of wax. 3 drops of red, 3 drops of orange dye. I believe I poured a little cooler than I normally do.
  18. I made some tart melts for testing some new scents last night. I did 4 scents. All turned out great but one. I haven't had any frosting issues yet so I'm wondering how to resolve it. I mix FO & Dye in the wax at 185, pour about 140. wax is a blend of eco soya xcel and eco soya PB. Dye colors are red and orange. Scent is Home Sweet Home from Nature's Garden. Awesome scent! I'm guessing it can be a number of things because I've heard that red dye can be tricky with frosting.
  19. I have missed the last few weeks, but I was there tonight. It's a lot of fun!
  20. I use a certain percentage of each wax and add them separately for each batch. I use a Presto Pot also.
  21. I use a blend of Ecosoya PB and Ecosoya Xcel and I'm getting wonderful reviews from my customers at how great the scent is and how long they last. I do have to wait for it to cool before pouring because otherwise it would melt the plastic containers.
  22. I know about evite.com. I looked around it last night. If I made one, do I send the invitation or does the hostess?
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