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Everything posted by Margaritamama

  1. I have no problem removing them from the molds. I do, however, allow them to really cool down...... And as someone mentioned, they are a bit more of a chore to clean, but I just keep them in a 150* oven a bit longer than I normally would, and that seems to help. Watch out when wiping them out with paper towel. I gave myself a nasty cut the first time. Now I use super duty rubber gloves. Thanks for all the nice comments........
  2. Gorgeous candle - Love the red!!!!
  3. These are made with the same formula that I'm testing..... The burgundy one is Black Raspberry Vanilla The green is French Vanilla & Amber and the red is Magic of India.
  4. I'm still working on a formula for my candles, to try and eliminate the dreaded bulge. I'm still in the process of testing - results of which I will post when done - but I received new FO's last week and could not wait to try them out in wax....... The brown ones are Indonesian Teak, and the tan one is Honey.
  5. Those are awesome - Perfect for a baby shower. Love 'em!!!!!
  6. Very nice!! Elegant and classy.....
  7. To get a nice red, I use 1 orange chip, and 8 drops of red. Sometimes I'll add a drop or two of brown depending on how dark I want the red.
  8. Awesome candles!!!! You got a really deep black there, what dye did you use - chips or liquid????
  9. Yup, it's the wax I use for votives. I add stearic as a rule, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary with votives. FO makes it mottle, and vybar prevents the mottle, and makes the votive more "creamy" looking. Edited to say: I used to use the 36-24-24Z wicks, but the mushrooming started to get on my nerves, so I switched to the LX-10, and have been very happy with their performance so far.......
  10. Those are just too cute for words....... Love 'em!!!!
  11. Yes, new FO's for me. I'm also still messing with some new wax formula's so I'll be testing those too..... It will be Indonesian Teak and Black Raspberry Vanilla this weekend.
  12. ROFLMAO........ Fish Cake?!?!?!? Really cool candle - love the color....
  13. Can you believe that I ordered 8 new FOs this week....... and I have a box full of FO's here at home, that I've not used yet?!?!?!? Sick I tell you, sick.......
  14. I ordered some FO's on Tuesday. Specifically the Indonesian Teak, Antahala Vanilla and Magic of India. I really wanted some Maduro, but the dreaded OUT OF STOCK greeted me....... Oh well, next time. I can't wait to try them out. I've been working on a formula for my 1343 pillars, so I intend to try these new FO's out on the weekend, and hopefully, if I can convince my DH that it is definitely to his benefit to turn a blind eye to my candlemaking purchases, I will order some of that Greenleaf 70/30 and give containers a try....... I need help
  15. Brenda, All this talk about your Greenleaf 70/30 wax, and your EXCEPTIONAL customer service, has me seriously considering containers....... Like I really need to spend more money on this "hobby"!!!
  16. That's actually a good idea..... I wonder if it would melt as the candle burns down????
  17. At the risk of sounding like a gramophone record, testing is definitely the key to good candlemaking. And to go out and buy supplies, and assume that one is ready to start a candlemaking business, is a little premature. Most of us on this board are still testing after many months, and even years, and have learnt along the way that it is not as simple as throwing some wax in a container, or mold, adding fragrance, and expecting a quality product to pop out in the end. It take a lot of testing..... Testing of waxes, and adding different additives to get just the right formula that will burn your candle without blowing out the edges, tunnelling or worse yet, becoming a flamethrower!!! Testing which wick works best with what wax. Testing the hot and cold throw of different fragrances. And so on, and so on........ If it were easy, most of us would be thousands richer, and not thousands poorer through constant testing. Good luck in your endeavour......
  18. LOOK AT THIS....... I got a Pier 1 catalog yesterday, and saw these. I checked out their website and they're there as well. They're made of a thin titanium foil that melts as you burn the candle! What do you think??? And where could we get the foil?????
  19. Beautiful, as usual Donita. You are our inspiration........
  20. Welcome!!! Your candles are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing all the creations you'll be making in the future......
  21. Very cute!!!! It brings to mind something my DD said yesterday. Imagine having FO's in wacky scents like sardine, garlic, roast chicken, pizza........ much like the Jelly Bellies that came in that limited "Bertie Bots" flavors - THOSE WERE JUST PLAIN GROSS!!!
  22. Darn, those are gorgeous, and look too good to burn!!! All of a sudden I have a hankering for fruit salad......:rolleyes2 and for trying my hand at making jar candles........
  23. No please, don't go away!!! You're going to make the rest of us look bad!!!!
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