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Everything posted by MommaD

  1. Where's that drooling smilie?
  2. OMG,. that looks amazing. Ditto, when is this stuff going to be for sale????
  3. Whooohooooooo I did it!!! I did get some out of that batch, stuck them in the oven on the lowest heat, for about 10 hours, and they are perfect!!! YES!!! Maybe someday I can build up to a meatballer!!!!
  4. WOW.. Looks like she is selling multiple copies of the vendor listing, but the minimum bid is 6500.00. That sounds high priced to me, when she is selling it to multiple people. Maybe I am crazy. She will CONSIDER just selling to one person. Wonder what THAT would take. Whewwwwww.
  5. Well, that might work. Since they are just practice ones, for me and the boys, I figure I won't worry about it much. I am even more hacked off. I went to make another batch this morning, and couldn't get a single freaking one of them out of the damned PVC pipe. GRRRRRRRRR.
  6. LOL, they were just barely held together, so I don't think it was too much moisture.
  7. Does anybody have any ideas? I would LOVE to be able to make these. They were so pretty last night, fizzed so beautifully. I MUST conquer these! I am attaching pictures to the first post. BTW, they are now rock hard...
  8. I decided to try some bath fizzie tablets. I have made the bombs before, and can't get them to work well for me. So, I got the PVC pipe, the dowel. They are smaller around, but I figured that I could make them longer, no problem. So, I make them with the castor oil recipe that i found on here, scented Mango Papaya from Peaks. Colored them pink, they are gorgeous. I think ,okay, I will put them in the oven, on warm for a while. I have the air going, to control the humidity. So, I leave them in there about 30 minutes. They still seem great, no puffing, so I think, okay, I am ready to go to bed, so I take them out, place them on the table. Air conditioning gets turned off. I wake up this morning, and the tablets have puffed up out the ends, where they weren't as dried out, I guess. The sides are perfect. I will have to take a pic. They were beautiful, now they are ruined. I am so p#(*ed off. How long can you leave them in the oven for to make sure they are dried? I just had it on warm, less than 200 degrees
  9. Sooooooo jealous!!!!! Glad you all had a blast!!!
  10. OMG, I have those friggin things too, and cannot get rid of them.
  11. Hmm, that pie in a jar is interesting, if you could make something more candle candle, instead of food and candle. I wonder how close you could get with wax stuff, what kind you could make. Makes my mind freak out!!!!
  12. Get you some sand, and make some pretty sand candles!
  13. Wrapping a towel around it should do wonders for it. It's what I do.
  14. Not much. David is helping set up the town fireworks today, the we are going to inlaws to set of some, I have been cooking today for that. Then, tomorrow, he will finish helping set them up, and then will help set them off. Then, Sunday, working on our calf pens.
  15. I am sorry, i am not much help. I know that many have complained about the expensive price, so maybe not many people have purchased it? I know that I never could even get a sample, so I gave up.
  16. Hmmmm... It's Dirrrrrrty soap
  17. Hardness 28 Cleansing 0 Condition 70 Bubbly lather 23 Creamy Lather 51 Iodine 70 INS 116 Okay, I have created something here with NO cleansing, LMAO!! What do you add for cleansing. This is a soap with Cocoa butter, shea butter, Sweet almond oil, and castor oil. I am not really sure what are good "ranges" for these numbers. I am trying to figure these calculators, trying to learn everything that I can before I make some soap. What do I want these ranges to be in? I am not sure what the INS and the Iodine mean, I didn't see anything about what they mean. Any help?
  18. Awesome guys!! Great idea, too!! LOL.. I may have to start working on something like that, Halloween will be here soon enough!
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