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Everything posted by joanncat18

  1. She didn't say she made them today. Usually people multiply their cost by 2 or 3 to find their selling price, but if your cost is very high then you may be eating some money on those.
  2. I agree....a marketing ploy...that probably works to some extent.
  3. Autumn, I know...I am glad I don't feel the need to be in the "in" crowd. Soy just seems like it is more trouble to work with than it's worth...to me anyways. Not all scents work, color doesn't seem to go over well all the time...the cauliflower ugly tops it gets...just my opinion. I think whatever wax you use, you just have to know how to defend it and market it to people...they all have their own benefits and drawbacks.
  4. I heard that the standard at some point was 3% FO, so then people who were putting in 9% would call it triple scented because it had 3 times the FO in it. Not really applicable today, but people still use the term.
  5. Those look delicious. Love how you do the curly wicks on your bowls.
  6. She might just not know what the word means and thinks it is "another new wax"...start with the basics and she can ask questions from there.
  7. Sweet. I typed in sparkling snowflakes just for fun and got 2...it was weird...the descriptions were sooo different for each FO. One was fresh clean and minty. One was like orange and pine.
  8. Lol...grade school all over again? Stella, some good points on the article. It's probably hard to find a similar study done by someone who has NO vested interest in selling wax. Any other studys out there anyone knows about? Or is this topic not been studied well?
  9. Well the fact that soy cleans up with soap and water is nice...i dont think you can really make the claim that it puts out less toxins...read the study that is linked by Top above. They showed that the toxins released by paraffin, soy, palm, etc were almost identical and well below the strictest indoor air quality guidelines they could find. The study was funded by several different organizations and does not seem biased. This was from 2007. As far as "natural"...i don't know about that. I read there is quite a "chemical" process to actually make wax from soy beans. That being said...everyone has their own preferance and opinions...we are all here to learn and grow...I have learned so much here. Jamie
  10. http://www.candlecauldron.com/ On far right side menu towards bottom there is a candle testing sheet you can use. Some people only trust others to test for scent throw because they may not know what a good candle burn is. I am sure it's different with everyone.
  11. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001NE0FU2/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=A1JOKHZE1W04XW&v=glance I was looking at the KD-7000 and found the KD-8000...I guess this one weighs to 0.05 oz (up to 282 oz i guess), most weigh to 0.1 oz, so I like that option. Also this one has a percentage weighing function. The cheapest I found it was on Amazon, so pretty sure I will buy this one.
  12. Top, read that article...i liked it...was easy to understand and straight forward. Craftedinthewoods... So why is soy a better alternative?
  13. Congrats on the baby! The Caramel Apple one looks wonderful...they all look great. Good job.
  14. Islandgirl, So I like the backlight feature. Do you have a problem with this scale shutting off too soon with the auto shut off? Can you turn that feature off? I am currently using a food scale and sometimes if I am slow putting things on there it will turn off in mid weigh so I feel rushed. Does this one do that? Thanks.
  15. CSN's are Candle Science's version of CDN's from my understanding.
  16. Our State is the Department of Licensing...there is an application there for name registration. Don't know if it is the same in your state, but you could call.
  17. Yeah I just poured Peak's Fireside yesterday and I don't think it will be what you are looking for. Not one of my faves. Sounds like you found something else though.
  18. Hey Top, I am interested in this topic. Specifically because I am making parafin or parasoy candles and need some real facts. What sources would you suggest? Thanks. Jamie
  19. Selling like on your own website or on etsy or something like that?
  20. Vanilla Meadow Vanilla Falls Vanilla Mist Country Vanilla Vanilla Canyon Vanilla Aroma Antique Vanilla Vanilla Breeze Backyard Vanilla Not very good at it either.
  21. They are more work, since I am just giving them to family and friends...I just feel prouder of these than the plain ones. I only layered these two scents because of what they are...my others are plain and take 1/2 the time really.
  22. I would think not in same bags. That would smell weird when the person opened it.
  23. What does sparkling snowflake smell like?
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