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Everything posted by Carriegsxr6

  1. if you cant find and answer here, you may also try their message board.
  2. There are a lot of differences between EO's and FO's in general. Take a moment or two to do some general research about the two oils, there is so much to learn and not enough posting space to do it in. ;-) My recomendation for some EOs to use in foot soaks would be some tea tree oil, good for fungus and anticeptic properties, as well as some peppermint or spearmint to blend with the tea tree.
  3. I have had great sucess with RRD 34's. They take a few burns to catch up the sides, but since it tapers at the bottom, the 34's are perfect and wont cause a huge flame towards the end,.
  4. applying coconut oil directly on your skin is very moisturizing. However when you turn it into soap, the properties change dramatically and it becomes a cleanser and can cause drying.
  5. let them sit in there for at least 3 days. then put them in the freezer for 15min and try to pop them out.
  6. I agree with Carebear, the scent would not come through if you infuse it in an oil, nor would it come through if you add it raw to the soap. I would go with an EO, you could use Amyris oil (W.I. Sandalwood) to keep costs down.
  7. MMS has a good one too. I would have also chosen OT first though.
  8. it may be okay, you might just have a high percent of superfat. meaning that some of the oil did not get turned into soap.
  9. if the molds have too much detail, the softness of soy wax may cause the tarts to get stuck in the molds. Using pillar wax may help with this problem, but I would stay away from molds with too much detail.
  10. are you talking about for anchoring the wick tab to the bottom of the jar?
  11. Brambleberry has a couple different type too http://www.brambleberry.com/packaging.html
  12. I think you could get away with any slab or log mold for the soap making part, you would just need a cutter to help cut them into small guest size bars. maybe you could make one at home, not sure what your budget is like.
  13. come on girls, I hate it when someone reverses the good intentions of another and then chops down their character intentionally. Like its no big thing to trash someone in public. hmmmm whats worse, making a honest mistake, or intentionally being cruel and unfair. Every new product co-op gets totally confusing and will only run better the second or third time around. I am sure the idea was suggested by another participant that wanted to save money on shipping, and thinking it would a benifit everyone, the host decided to go with it. But forget all that, lets just trash the host around the board, and throw insults at her for months to come. Maybe even follow her around the board and reply to her posts with rude comments, make her never want to host another co-op again, or better yet, make her so uncomfortable that she never wants to come on this board again. Please dont make me think you are those type of people. You have such creative minds, use them for good. :rolleyes2
  14. a gallon of water weighs 8.5lbs, but the density of water is much different than say alcohol which weighs 6.5lbs so you should check with the supplier for sure,
  15. very cute. you should make these in a swap next time.
  16. that one is totally freaken cute. Love the way you layed out the flowers on the vine.
  17. Sunflower Oil and seed oils are night and light as well like Hempseed, Sesame Seed, Grapeseed.
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