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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Breanna,what size jar do you use?I use the 16 oz apoth jar,and on most fo I use two 44 z,two 51z on heavy fo's,but I use J50,that could make a differance. Anna
  2. Thanks everyone for their replys.I guess it was a dumb question, Pactice makes perfect as they say. Anna
  3. After I trimed the zinc wick,it still was like a touch,so I tested another votive (same fo)with A LX 10,it has been about 2 hrs,and it has a big mushroom.The flame is about 1/2 in high.Could my problem be that I used 1 1/2 ozs of fo per lb?It is in a tight fitting votive holder. Anna
  4. Well I lit my first votive,with a trim wick to a 1/4 inch,and the wick was burning fine until it reach a full melt pool,and OMG the wick had a huge mushroom on it,and it was about one inch long.I trim it ,and it is burning allright again.It is made with Peak's votive blend 130,44-24 z wick,and Peaks pink sugar fo.Do I need to wick down? Thanks,Anna
  5. Maybe I should how never ask this question,because there has been some comments that should'nt have been posted. Anna
  6. Thanks sharyl,I will try this too.This is the first for me,to pour votives.I thought,it has got to be a easy way to do this.I don't have any those habits either,so that not my problem. Anna
  7. Pam,that is neat.Is that a bottom to a coffee pot? Anna
  8. your votives without wasting so much wax.The molds are so little its hard to to pour without spilling the wax.This is my first votives to pour,maybe it will get better. Thanks,Anna
  9. Came home from work one afternoon,And in my driveway there sat four cases of wax,and the fo I ordered along with it.The porch is about six feet from the driveway.I was PO. I had to hurry and lug it in the house,and hide it before my husband got home.LOL Normally my UPS guy thows my stuff on the porch,yes I mean throws it.My mother seen him do it. Anna
  10. Paulette,what is their web address?I would like to try them. Thanks,Anna
  11. I love this wax,I don't use jj,I use 16 oz apoth.I heat my wax to 185 degrees,add dye,and fo at 175,pour between 150,and 160 degrees.I use 8% of fo.I have good results with most fo's.HTH Anna
  12. I may be wrong,but I believe that would equal out to 8% of fo.
  13. Scented,I can be real dense sometimes.Do you mean see if the fo is separating from the wax?Will that be hard to see since it already has dye in it?Why would it be separating from the wax? I used 5.40 ozs of fo to 3 lbs 9.6 ozs of wax. Thanks,Anna
  14. Do you have much luck remelting wax,and repouring?I poured four jars last night,and when I got home this afternoon,I got them out of the oven,and they had no smell,only a wax smell.I looked and there is a dark ring at the bottom.So I figure the fo is at the bottom.Do I remelt,and stir,or do I add more wax and fo?Sorry, I am not very good at making a question short.It is J50,and I added fo at 175,pour at 160. Thanks,Anna
  15. Those are very pretty.Looks alot like Christmas.
  16. You probably going to think I am crazy,but I have a candle burning,instead of it mushrooning on top of the wick,it's doing it around the wick on top of the wax.It is JS123,and zinc wick.There is a black ring on top of the wax.Never had this to happen.Can someone tell me what's causing this. Thanks,Anna
  17. Thanks Satin,maybe I need to get a butt load of them to give out to customers. Anna
  18. I am from the south,but what the hell is a hillbilly jig.:embarasse Anna
  19. Is there anyone out there that uses this wax.I can not get this wax to give a hot throw.I heated it to 200 degrees,added fo and dye,pour at about 160 degrees.I have tried several differant fo's.I'm I doing something wrong?I have read on here,differant ones that used this wax in the past,but has anyone used it since Becky has bough it back? Thanks,Anna
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