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Everything posted by Di_in_AZ

  1. Well at least when I screw something up, I do it right. This can't be fixed, but I thought at least someone would get a good laugh out of it. I have been playing around with melt and pour for a bit and am trying out my combination for a swap. I had everything perfected, except I guess when I poured some lavender buds on the backs of the soaps, I poured too late and they didn't stick at all. No problem! I decided to reheat the soap and repour it so I could get the lavender on there. Well I reheated carefully, making sure I did not get it real hot and then I screwed up. I decided maybe I would add just a FEW drops of EO because I was worried about it not being as strong, if some may have evaporated in the reheating. Well I grabbed the wrong bottle. I had one bottle that had the dropper top and one that didn't. I thought I had the dropper bottle one so I picked it up, unscrewed the top and tapped the bottom to get out what I thought was a fricken drop. What I got was pretty much the whole bottle poured in my soap. I cannot believe I did something so stupid. I think I should stick to candles
  2. I have always used the tin tie and never had an FO spot. I make sure to arrange the potpourri in the window i.e. a piece of orange up front--to make it look more attractive. I do well with those.
  3. I wish I had the power of "schmooze" to talk lots of people into giving their money to....me!
  4. Most of the reports I have seen in the paper have to do with a candle left unattended, knocked over by a child/pet and being burned near curtains.
  5. Very beautiful Michael I am green with envy!
  6. Have you called them? Seems they would be the ones who would know how their site works. I have never had a problem, so I suspect it is something on your computer.
  7. Lot of BCN's soap boxes for sale on classys: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41477
  8. Got emailed today--my order shipped Just wanted to update it on the thread.
  9. Hmm...this is a bad topic with hubby :lipsrseal but I also paint, scrapbook and have a dollhouse I work on.
  10. Why even go there? That is the whole point of the board, to upset people and it has worked with you. I would delete the link and carry on with life. They can't hurt you unless you let them. Life is too short--if no one goes to the board and it doesn't generate interest, it will fade away. As long as it is publicized like it is on this thread generating hits and creating the "shock" waves, they have what they want. Don't give it to them.
  11. I ordered from her on Jan. 2--first time order. I got a confirmation, automatic email and that was it. I called and got no answer, sent an email but it is too early for a response so I will wait. She hasn't charged my card so it is not as if I am out over the deal. Hoping all is well with her.
  12. Considering the amount of people who don't know what you are talking about (who these people are, or where they are from) I would say it is safe to assume they can't do too much damage to your business. If their site is "hidden" on the net, not many others are going to find them, especially if they don't know they exist. Their threats are useless, so they would bad mouth you to their crew--and would you want them as customers anyway?
  13. I did this ONCE and learned my lesson. It all sounds great when you aren't established and someone is doing you a "favor" but the fact is, they are in business and they know that other companies aren't just going to give them their products for free just to sell in their store. They are also aware of the liability issues. I got burned for two reasons, one the person who "helped" me marked my candles up to a ridiculously high price, higher than double my wholesale price. I would never have paid that much for the candles, and neither did the customers. Second, about a third of my candles came back dinged and damaged, so I had to sell them off cheaply--my loss. She gave them all back and said they didn't do well. I found out later that they weren't displayed appropriately either. When they have nothing to lose, they don't seem too concerned with taking care of your items. I will never get in that position again. I am not saying that all people are like this because I am sure it has worked for some, but I have seen enough complaints on this board to convince me. Wholesale, in my opinion, is the way to go. Then they are responsible for the merchandise and if they over price it, they will have to lower it or be stuck with it. They will also take better care when they are the ones who will foot the loss. Edit to say--it becomes more clear if you think about companies like Darice and Jackel--they don't give their merchandise out for free for people to try in their stores--and no one questions their minimums and requirements. We are no different except they can afford to not do the minimums--we can't.
  14. If you go to Buysafe's website, they have a section of faqs for sellers. Apparently the seller has to pay a bond to get the protection offered to customers. Sellers don't make any money off the deal, they pay. It also appeals to the seller by saying that the customer will have confidence in buying from them once they are a bonded seller. It is presented as they wouldn't get the Buysafe approval if they didn't have a good customer service record--Buysafe inspects before giving them the seal and the seller becoming bonded. I feel that is the aspect that Candlemaker's Store was looking at. I think they feel it would make buyers feel more secure that they were bonded. I can't see any seller offering something that would make them look irresponsible. None of us would do that. I think you will see the other side of the coin if you read the faqs they have posted. You can see how Buysafe presents to sellers at this link: http://www.buysafe.com/seller_solutions/seller_faqs.html#bondedseller
  15. www.stonestewsouth.com Best potpourri around, great customer service, fast shipping, great prices, you can't go wrong.
  16. I think you can use the soapmaker's software for candles as well. I saw that mentioned somewhere, will try and find it and post.
  17. :rolleyes2 What a novel idea, paying for customer service
  18. No soot here, we just renovated last year and everything was emptied out and gutted, no soot after living here six years and doing candle for three at that point.
  19. I finished my last orders on Wednesday, finished all my shopping and Xmas prep yesterday. Now just cleaning today and relaxing through the holidays I hope everyone has a good one!
  20. Contact your state revenue office. They are the ONLY ones who can give you a definitive answer, they are the ones you have to answer to. They are always more than helpful and in AZ they have most questions already answered online.
  21. Alot of places are shut down today for the holiday. Probably won't get them till Tuesday or Wednesday.
  22. Where I am you collect the taxes where the business transaction takes place, that would be where you are located, you would collect the taxes applicable in your neck of the woods. If you are conducting business in another town, perhaps for a craft show, then you would have to collect taxes on behalf of that town/county. Online the business transaction is where you are so you would collect the rate for your town/county. I cannot see this being different from state to state, that does not make sense. The business transaction is not taking place at the residence of the purchaser--the card is not being processed from their address, it is being processed from yours. If the purchaser is out of state, then you don't tax. This is the law where I am in AZ.
  23. ICS - Kathy has gone ABOVE and beyond to help me resolve something that was not her fault. For that she gets my all-time best CS, plus super fast shipping and the whole nine yards. She answers emails promptly as well. I have no idea how she does it. She is obviously organized and very good at what she does. Stone Stew South - Always pleasant to deal with, Linda has done alot to help me as well and ships promptly, and what a product, something you can't just order once! Scent Works - Just started using them, very happy so far. Texas Candle Supply - Very prompt processing, called me to let me know my order went out! Haven't received it yet, but impressed so far.
  24. The rose bath bombs remind me of some I got from Lush. They had lavender flowers in them. Well I didn't see the flowers in the bomb, I got in the bath and threw the bomb in, opened my eyes and freaked because I thought there were a bunch of bugs in it. Glad I am not older because I would have had a heartattack right there!
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