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Everything posted by Di_in_AZ

  1. Sorry to hear that. I would most definitely complain to the organizers I have never heard of grouping like products, what a way to kill a show. I would definitely avoid that show. All the shows that I have done keep like stalls apart and limit the number of each type.
  2. Crisp and clean looking, loaded instantly, easy navigation, georgeous products, I say you have a winner. The only thing I noticed was already posted, you have candles near the soap text, I would change that and nothing else
  3. Welcome Lee! You got me all excited there when I read there was a big candle supplier in Phoenix! I have been doing this for five years and thought that I was missing something! I order from quite a few places and haven't found one I really go back to in AZ. I am down in Southeast AZ. You will be in my neck of the woods when you come to Tombstone and Kartchner. I love the caverns, have gone there several times and we do field trips there every year. Wait till you meet the guides, if you don't follow orders, their looks will kill! I know from experience--I always take the kids we call "pistols" so the parents don't have to chaperone problem kids and I think they eat "pistols" at the caverns! Fun trip none the less. Tombstone is neat as well. You will probably appreciate our cooler weather because of the altitude. That is what I like about it--Phoenix is always a killer for me, not used to it being THAT hot. Anyway, have fun with the candle making and visiting southern Arizona.
  4. I hate stories like that, buy out the competition and shut them down ;( Thanks for letting me know, something I was curious about when I got the dyes.
  5. What was the story with Barker Company? I saw an auction on Ebay and got a case of dye rounds with about 20 different colors, 15-20 rounds of each for $20 and bought it. I like some of the colors but were never able to find much out about them. The auction was from an estate and the person who sold it didn't know anything other than it was candle dye. I was just curious what happened to that company.
  6. It would have been so easy for them to put up one line...."We are moving, not accepting orders at present".
  7. That is a very nice setup. I would not be able to pass by your booth! Congrats, sorry about the weather. Your candles look great
  8. Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man, Do you know the muffin man? Who lives on Murray Hill!!! Sorry Top, I couldn't resist! :D
  9. I am the one who left the spigot turned the wrong way and filled my presto with wax (I know I am not the only one who has done this here so I don't feel alone ) Anyway....if you have wood cabinetry, toothpicks are wonderful for getting the wax out of the details and lines. On tile floor, heat gun and paper towels.
  10. I called the city clerk there and they looked into it and couldn't find any information either. Their registrations are all up-to-date. The chamber of commerce has no information, she even looked up the county information. At this point she said there is nothing to indicate they have closed. She did give me another number to call but I am running out the door, I will try it tomorrow and let you all know. Too much time on my hands today LOL
  11. Oh what a mess, I feel like I have stuck my foot in my mouth. It hate it when there are two different stories, I knew there were two different things because I got the postcard and I was confused after seeing the adverts for the business one then actually seeing the other one. Glowlite--that is the site. I hope that isn't going to cause a big division at the gathering this year--I found most of those ladies and gents to be hilarious. Good group of people.
  12. Well most of their colors I use in Christmas scents so I have a while to scout out new colors if need be. The chips I use for regular scents I have in bulk so I should be able to get by for a time. Really sucks. I thought someone's mother lived there and was going to check it out, any luck?
  13. On darker colors I have found that I have to wick up sometimes. It is one of those grey areas where you have to test and play with. I only have this happen on certain colors I use. Make sure you keep good notes on what colors do this, so you won't have to re-test them like a did a couple years ago! :undecided The color and scent combinations that I have a problem with, I have used the scents with other colors and they have performed fine but always have to wick up when I use the darker color. I tested them solely to make sure that was the culprit.
  14. Bah, that is what my friend does--no one will be at my table and then she comes over, says one thing about my candles and everyone will be pulling their wallets out. I just don't get it, I am lousy at selling and I can talk till the cows come home and it does nothing. I really wish I had that in me but I just don't. Word of mouth does wonders.
  15. Lush is a British chain that sells soap and bath and body. I love alot of their scents, reminds me of stuff I used to get over in England. They are at www.lush.com . Very expensive though, lovely bath bombs, some soap I like, some is a bit much for me. The area that the hotel is located at is Scottsdale. To be honest, you may have to drive a bit to get in a cheaper hotel. That area is known to be expensive, I don't know if there is anyone of us on here from that area who could chime in here and offer suggestions. $109 is probably not a bad rate. To give a hint, they had valet parking at that mall and I we saw some awesome cars pulling up while we were waiting to be seated in the restaurant there. Those people have money! The cookies they give you when you check into the hotel--the hotel does provide us lunch, sort of a gourmet buffet--and nice desserts, but not those cookies! I just got a mailer today. They are also having anther "Arizona Gathering". They have split off a bit because I know the lady who runs the yahoo site had alot to do with last years and it was advertised as being a start-up business gathering, lots of suggestions in that department. However, I don't think they will let her be a vendor as they had another internet host sponsor. So I think now there is two gatherings, The Arizona Gathering in June and Arizona Gathering in May--confused yet? I will get some links and post it. I saw Tart Addict on some of the boards so I think she may know more.
  16. Be careful with that. I felt awkward at first and got taken advantage of because of my own stupidity. People at work saying they just want to pay for cost of materials. You never get ahead that way and now I just ignore people. Not all people are bad like that but you have to remember, Walmart doesn't sell anything at cost and they are much larger than you and can afford to. I personally am not a salesman and my one friend is. Sadly, at shows, she does a better job selling my candles than I do!
  17. I thought it would be better if you partnered up, because it added variety and at my show people generally bought from all of us. However, what Dat says just makes more sense--she has knowledge about that and I don't because I have always shared with the other women. At this point my one friend who does jewelry is just starting and would not have enough stuff to do shows on her own, so I always have her with me. The one good thing though is that the ladies I do shows with work at different places so we end up with my friends and co-workers and their's as well--we get more invitations and notices at more places than I could on my own. At my shows we have always had friends and acquaintances as I don't feel comfortable inviting the general public into my house. I have some antiques and the thought makes me paranoid. I set up an area where I have my cash box and everyone pays me, and then I give the other ladies their share, I always keep a journal and write down all my sales and have a receipt book around to take orders.
  18. Not only are they chocolate chip, they have them in a little oven at the check-in, they give you warm, melted chocolate chip cookies. They aren't small either! So there, come for the cookies! Seriously, the hotel is nice and it just a block down from the Scottsdale Mall where there is a LUSH. We go there for that as well. Although we need to find a better place for dinner. We ate at a restaurant in the mall and it was not good and very expensive.
  19. I started doing house parties last year. Alot easier than shows, no overhead, no lugging everything! I do mine with two other ladies, one does soap, one jewelry--we all put out one thing, I did a veggie tray, one did a cake, the other cookies, some ice tea and couple bottles of soda. People came in, munched a little and spend their money! I was surprised that I made comparable sales at my house than I had at paid shows. I always do them a few weeks before a holiday so people can gift shop. I wish you luck, once people show, you will really enjoy yourself. Let us know how it goes. P.S. There was just a post about this a few days ago and people posted some really good ideas, like JLDorrington--she had suggestions.
  20. Tart, did you go to the meeting the night before? Got a little wild in there, I had some very good laughs. Still not sure about this year, life has been way hectic and my friend just had surgery so we are not sure. It is a drive for us and then we have to drive all the way back. I have friends up there so may just bring hubby and kids and let them lounge in the pool and meet our friends. That hotel is just lovely. The cookies at the reception were really worth it LOL!
  21. I like the palm tree but I don't like the color in the box--it detracts from the palm tree to me. Having said that, I am not so great with design and pay to have mine done so you can take it with a grain of salt!
  22. A search on the Secretary of State for Washington shows they let their license lapse: Corporations Division - Registration Data Search POURETTE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. UBI Number178091521 CategoryRegular Corporation Profit/NonprofitProfit Active/InactiveInactive State of IncorporationWA Date of Incorporation09/13/1956 License Expiration Date09/30/2006 http://www.secstate.wa.gov/corps/search_detail.aspx?ubi=178091521 Website is gone also
  23. This really sucks because there are several candles that I use only the chip colors for, no one else has a color that is comparable. I hope this is temporary. I have enough to last me a while..but not forever! I haven't had problems in the past but not ordered recently.
  24. I have my domain registered by proxy. It keeps you anonymous so when people look up the domain information, the only thing that shows is the company that registered the domain for you. They will not give that information out. Stops anyone from messing with it either. It does cost a couple dollars a year, but well worth it in my opinion.
  25. I went last year, had a blast. They had a soy candle demo and a pillar demo. I like soaping and b&b so it doesn't bother me that it is "soaper heavy". Not sure if I will be there this year, I go with my friend who does CP soap. There are some great ladies and gents there.
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