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Everything posted by Starr

  1. What exactly are you trying to do that you use it?
  2. A fundraiser is a special event or sale where much if not all of the proceeds go towards a particular thing/goal. HTH
  3. I haven't worked with that particular wax, but as a rule, I don't like to melt stuff more then 3 times.
  4. OOO! Good point. I'm getting ready to do one of those for my grandmother for Mother's Day and have been contemplating how exactly to go about it. Luckly, I have a TON of mason jars that I got from a freecycle.
  5. I found an instructional thing in a candle book recently for how to do this. You use hurricane wax and pour a pillar/square/other large candle like your normally would. Don't worry about the second pour, you won't need it. After the top and sides have a thick skin (not hard, just skin) you cut a hole in the top leaving just a "crust" around the edges. Pour out the still liquid wax, save it, then press your materials (stamps, pressed flowers, etc...) into the inside, let cool completely. Now, take some of that leftover wax and pour it back in and repeat the cutting/pouring steps so that you now have embedded your material. I haven't tried it yet, but it makes sense and seems simple enough.
  6. Hmm. Well, the problem I'm having actually is that these things are hard as rocks. I'm almost considering upping the oil content with some SAO hoping that maybe that with give me a little boost in suds too.
  7. Hmm, Ok, so I promised to do the swap if I got something decent made. I've tried this twice now, first time was a total bust. I'm pretty sure it was my fault so I went for a second try. As I've never used something like this commercially, I've got a question, how sudsy is it supposed to be? My hands feel GREAT but I don't think I had even one little soap bubble/sud/lathery bit. Is this normal? If so... WOOHOO, a-swapping I will go.
  8. Well, I can say working with soy is a unique thing and does have it's quirks! The scent you used may have been just fine, but not for soy. If you look at CandleScience.com you'll see their FO's have a soy rating. As for color, it doesn't surprise me that you only got a frosty color. Part of the reason I stopped working with soy very early on was that I was never happy that I couldn't get a good rich, deep color out of it (maybe some of the soy guru's can give you some tips as to what types of dyes may give you better results). You can shave away at your candles if they've got a bit of unevenness but you can also melt it away as well if you've got a steady hand. When I do this, I turn my Presto Pot on fairly low (usually to the warm setting) and rub the candle across the hot surface until it evens out. HTH
  9. I'm going to check it out, maybe if I can't get an exact recipe from there, I'll get a good idea for a recipe. *Crosses fingers* Sometimes I'll wonder "How'd they do that?" Then see a recipe and go "OHHHH!!! Well, no I don't particularly like that .... in there, lemme play with it and see what I can get" and it sometimes leads to.... GENIUS!
  10. I also use it for lotions and scrubs. I buy Liquapar from Therapy Garden but from what I understand a few places sell it. HTH
  11. I've seen those in a few different places but I don't think I've seen them for a better price. That's not too bad really. Sorry.
  12. Mulled something (wine or cider) Cranberry or Pomegranate something Something woodsy and/or herbal
  13. I've got a Citrus Basil that I've been pumping as a kitchen scent, I'd have to double check the numbers, but I think it's neck and neck with my best seller.
  14. Tried the original recipe (cause I had it all on hand) with MP and so far, it's WONDERFUL. It's holding up nicely, I'm going to jar it and see how it holds up over the course of a week or so, if there's no problems, I'll send it off to mom to test.
  15. You might have to call/email to get the mm measurements, but this might help: http://newcart.candlesandsupplies.com/Store/Products/Candles/Containers%2c+Jars/Apothecary+Jars/Standard+Apothecary+Jars/Apothecary+Jar+Lids/Default.aspx
  16. I go anywhere between .35oz and .5oz per pound.
  17. Sometimes, it's when you're down or otherwise BLAH that it's great to get some crafting done. I find after a bad day (or even during a bad day) I start to CRAVE going up to my craft space and just messing around with stuff for a while. If I get something nifty out of it, all the better. Everyone's different, but maybe it could be a distraction for you if you give it the opportunity to.
  18. I really dislike double wicking/double wicked candles. I used to treat myself about once a year to a multi-wicked candle and they never burned right for me. I think it just put a bad taste in my mouth, I'd rather just deal with one wick now.
  19. I've been putting off doing it for a while, but finally decided to do it. A friend of mine is working on the design, or well, he was until he broke his hand, so I'm hoping at this point to have it launched by Memorial Day weekend.
  20. I... Uh... Ok, I have NO good explanation for that! I even tried to call them and ask, but all I got was a machine to leave a message. It can't possibly be the same exact size and hold a larger amount. This has got to be some kind of crazy typo!
  21. OOOO! Chocolate flavored body products! Yum! *ponders how to get on ladysj's tester list*
  22. I have tried and tried and tried to get black soap out of white MP. The best you get is a charcoal gray. You've GOT to use clear base. Though the clear base won't retain much of it's clear quality after you dye it, so don't be worried about having a smoky quartz type of look. It will be too dark to see through. HTH
  23. The boxes do get on my nerves a bit when they start getting empty, then I just use a smaller box. Other then that, it seems I can never keep the crafting area clean, that's why it's got it's own space, the attic! No one has to go up there that isn't crafting. For organization though, I use a lot of those rolling drawer things you get from Wal-Mart, some milk crates to hold my FO's, some mini milk-crates for specialized stuff (like soap dyes) and those containers you get at the Craft Store for holding embroidery thread with all the little compartments for dye chips. We've recently found that a paper towel holder makes a great holder for our spool of wick.
  24. *scratches head* Umm. Your 10oz jar held 16oz of wax. Is that what you're saying?
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