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Everything posted by Starr

  1. You're probably right. Doing HP is still a fairly new thing and I just used what I had on hand. Admittedly, it didn't dawn on me that C&S does deal only in a small way with soaping and only MP at that. I also did NOT anticipate green going to red but at least now I know. I was more concerned with "Did I do something wrong?" "Is my lye somehow still active and it did something?" etc... types of things. Thanks for the advice!
  2. First batch got it before the cook, it started greenish but turned red pretty quick. Second batch, did it after the cook, went straight to red.
  3. On the plus side, it was a super small batch so I'm not really "out" a whole lot. I do need to find a way to clean up the second batch though, potato peeler maybe...
  4. Okay, my bright red has changed a bit to a kind of brick reddish/brown color. Sorry everyone, I have not achieved a permanent bright red. Gee... I wonder what would happen if I used the red dye I have....
  5. I'll be sure to post an update on it in a day or two. I will say that I jumped the gun on the smallest bar of the first batch (that is now red) and used it after it had cooled and set a bit and it did not bleed. Will see if that remains after it finishes curing. Another update however... I just finished another batch of the same soap. Tried the green again, it turned red... again. Luckly, I had only added a small amount, I grabbed my TKB pop green and got quickly to work. It is now a GORGEOUS shade of green. I'm thinking it's something in the dye that just doesn't react properly with HP soap.
  6. I don't know. It's completely cooled now and it's holding that bright red tone. I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days.
  7. C&S's FD&C liquid dye in green. I know I didn't grab the wrong bottle as I have a spot of green that got on my hand while I was opening the bottle but what I got was ruby freaking red!
  8. Okay, got the crock pot going just a few feet away, I'm working on Apples n' Oak and I wanted to make it a nice rich green. So I dyed it GREEN. It is now... RED! HUH?
  9. Hmm. This method sounds interesting, does anyone have any more info/links to info on it?
  10. Pumpkin & Patchouli is a surprisingly pleasant blend. I personally HATE Patchouli but got a bar of this type of blend in the last swap I did and it was VERY nice. Kudos on the soap, it does look yummy!
  11. Thank you Jacqui, that's exactly what I was trying to get at.
  12. Measuring by weight and measuring by volume aren't quite the same. Going by a line mark you made isn't *overly* accurate IMO. Personally, I wouldn't go with this method. Now if you had 2 lbs of wax that were all scented the same and you just wanted it in 2 different colors, I wouldn't worry too much about that. It's really the FO that scares me about this more then the dyes. For example, when I make Pearberry, I do a dual color, berry bottom and pear top. All the wax gets scented then I pour out 2 pots and dye each one individually.
  13. Oh I know and for most things, I don't mind the yellow, sometimes though I do like to color stuff and the white is easier on color.
  14. How are you measuring/weighing the wax that you pour off? If you're able to do that, then you won't have to worry about unevenly scenting or over scenting which could mess up your burn.
  15. I've melted a few pieces of it now and haven't found any particles or impurities. Now if only he had it in white, I'd be extra super happy but I'm not going to argue with the yellow.
  16. Well, lipbalms were a HUGE bust. I tried half a dozen different recipe's and couldn't get a single good result. The "best" of the batches was actually so hard when I tried to put it on my lips and spread it, it tore my bottom lip up. Live and learn. Leather waterproofer sounds really interesting though. I'll have to look for a recipe for that.
  17. Krafty Kandles is absolutely right. There should always be a label on each votive/tealight/pillar/whatever.
  18. When I first started doing candles, I played with soy and it was alright but I really didn't love my results. When I switched to paraffin, I LOVED it. Our current container wax of choice is IGI1945. VERY easy to work with.
  19. I'm a fan of the microwave for my MP bases and the Presto Pot for my wax. Admittedly I've never tried my MP in the Presto Pot but I'm always so scared of forgetting it (cause the phone rang, the cat did something etc...) and burning the crap out of it. At least with the microwave, when the timer hits 0, it stops. In theory I think it'd be fine in the Presto Pot but I don't think I'd want to use a spigot with it. I'd be too afraid of the soap clogging up in there.
  20. Okay, I'm thinking about making these and I want to know... Do I HAVE to use a standard round, 2 piece bath bomb mold? Can I use my smaller soap molds or even my silicone muffin pan? I realize they'll be somewhat bigger, but other then that, would it work? Thanks
  21. I don't use that wax or style of wicks so I can't be of much help there. I can tell you however when I use 16oz jars that I don't double wick them. IMO there just isn't enough room to justify a double wick.
  22. I've noticed my bars feel a bit more slippery when it's warm outside and that will also cause sweating. In general the only time I've noticed a greasy feel is when I messed up and over oiled my batch. Glycerin can be added to MP to increase lather and should not cause a greasy feeling. I have, especially when it's warm or humid let my bars sit up to 2 days to cure. HTH
  23. I've been working on doing more all-natural types of stuff and I just got some great locally produced beeswax, I've been doing lotion bars and am thinking about tinkering with a lipbalm today but I'm looking for some other stuff to do too. Any suggestions?
  24. Presto Pots are great. I bought one modified and used on eBay, have had it over 2 years and it works as good as it did the day it got here. Also, very inexpensive. I think you can get one (unmodified of course) new at Wal-Mart for about $25
  25. I went to a local farmer's market the other day and found a beekeeper there who sells the beeswax that his bees produce. His prices BLEW. ME. AWAY. He didn't have any 1lb slabs with him but said he prices them at $3-4 per lb. *sings the "I got a Golden Ticket" song*
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