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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Yeah, it would be considered a product that needs a skin-safe FO, since it is applied and left on the skin. I'm bummed about that dang Hershey's Choco FO - it would be perfect for lotion/bombs, etc. Grrrrrr.
  2. I don't offer them on my site anymore because, well, I couldn't charge enough for me to feel they were worth my time. But, when I did, I charged a few more dollars for them because of what Tanya said - they're labor intensive. I still will make them on request, or for fun, etc. But that's it.
  3. I'll be interested in hearing how that works Eugenia. I cut mine by hand, usually in quarters.
  4. San. Van!! I just ordered some of that and can't wait to get it, soap it and smell it. You know, Robin, I'm going to have to get me some of that Honeysuckle. I've heard you mention it before and you've got me intrigued.
  5. Ahhh, this was the other one I was thinking up but couldn't dredge any more thoughts out of my sleepy head. I'm going to have to pick some of this up next time. Heard raves on it for soap, too.
  6. Beauties as usual - glad to see you posting again!!
  7. I just experienced one of those oh my gosh I freaking LOVE this scent moments. The scent I'm talking about is Purely Herbal from BCN. I had a small sample of it and used it in a test batch and Hel-LO momma loves it. Keep walking by the bar and smelling it, bathing with the bar before a good cure, 'cause I can't control myself... Plain OMH (no scent, just the oats, honey and CCM) do this to me, too. And Peak Apple Pie. Oh my gooness, make me wanna eat the bar. Bliss. So I'm wondering - what scents do you have that makes you go dayum that's good!!
  8. Not sure if it is lotion safe, but Bittercreek North makes a Hershey's Chocolate that is a great blender. Love it. Here's the link. Aaaand crap. Not lotion safe. Woudln't ya know. Well, looked at a couple different suppliers and am coming up empty handed. Gar!! Now I'm interested to see if anyone else knows of one.
  9. LOL. I thought it was single OIL swap. Single bar? Shoooot, momma can dig that. I'm in. 1 Eugenia 2 Diamond 3 Sara
  10. C/P this from a post a bit back. But this is how I swirl: Say I'm swirling a 4 pound slab (swirling is best done in a slab), after bringing to a light trace, I'll take out 1lb. of soap from the batch, color that whatever color I want. Pour the soap (the 3lbs.) in the slab. Take the lb. of soap that you colored and pour it in the slab by going back and forth like a snake, back and forth while moving it along the slab. Then turn and go up and down (what you're doing is snaking it horizontal all the way across, then vertical all the way back). Vary the height of the pot you are pouring from so some of the mixture hits the top and bottom. When you're finished with that, you take a spoon or butter knife (or whatever) and snake through the slab in the same manner, or just about any way you please. Varying the pattern you pour in or the pattern you swirl in will give you different look to your swirls. I hope that makes some sense!!
  11. Awesome instructions, Bunny, thank you for posting these. Great base to start tinkering with. I'm one who keeps my butters at 5% too.
  12. Yup, same here. Hope all is OK. Yikes.
  13. Yummy yummy, woman!! But you don't just go postin' EO blend and not telling us what oils are in that puppy. I want to be able to imagine what it smells like.
  14. vervehosting.com here - great prices and excellent customer service Don't just go for the cheapest registrar because if and when you decide to get hosting you can run into difficulties transferring your name. It is easier/better to look for someone who can offer a complete service package down the line.
  15. You can also try simply changing the name of some of the scents. A simple name change can sometimes help
  16. I suggest contacting the supplier (Peak, in this case) and asking them. Straight to the source.
  17. Those look like some I made a while back. Too weird when you have split batches like that. Fraternal Bath Bombs, I guess. Some are cracked some aren't
  18. Sara


    Here is a link on cosmetic lableing. I you Google, you can find tons more : http://www.soapnuts.com/cosmeticlabeling.html
  19. Shea butter and shea oil - and I whip the crap outta it.
  20. You know jvfern we've posted before what FO's from a certain supplier worked well in CP soap. When we do FO supplier's and CP, we don't rattle off all the ingrediants we used, just what process and how the FO behaved. No BIG secrets given there, and it helps out your fellow soaper. Common sense tells you that FOs are going to behave differently with different recipes, and the lists are just guidelines. So, there's not really a reason if you wanted to start a thread about XXX supplier's cyclo worked well with XXX FO's you couldn't. If people want to list what ratios they used, then they can, if they don't, they don't. Maybe we'd end up with a good list. The basis of the forum IS for sharing and learning from others. No, it is NOT to spill the beans on your prized soap or lotion recipe. Most (business) people that have success with a certain recipe keep it safely guarded, which makes sense. Look at KFC Not to say they can't take you into the "kitchen" and at least give you some pointers to start out with and help you along the way, which is the aim of this community.
  21. That sucks. You know, though, I would DEFINITELY have a contract, and I wouldn't order ANYTHING until I got orders in. I wouldn't order any of the extra supplies until I had the order sheets in my fat little hand. Seems the safest way to do it, unless you have a lot of cash and know you'll use the stuff anyhow.
  22. Haven't found bugs yet (and don't want to - they give me the heebiejeebies). BUT - my cat likes CCO. :rolleyes2 He's like a big, furry bug. I don't let him in the bucket, of coarse, but if a piece falls on the ground, he's all over it.
  23. oooh - was just going to order some sandlewood vanilla - yummers What's in my pot? I have no clue!!
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