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Sharon in PA

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Everything posted by Sharon in PA

  1. 3rd JS Captivatingly Currant, strong in my 50/50, too!
  2. I'm gonna give it a try, I do notice that at times, not always, I do get a lopsided MP for a bit w/ the CD's, this will clear itself up once the full MP is attained, but I bet it helps wth sooting! Thanks for the tip, Carrie!
  3. http://stores.ebay.com/Heaven-Scent-...Q3amesstQQtZkm~ Her e-bay store. rbyrd@insightbb.com~ her e-mail addy. HTH!!
  4. Woo-Hoo! Things are soundin' Gooood!!!!! :D
  5. CB~ I am getting my jars from CS, their prices and shipping are VERY reasonable! Never checked Fillmore's prices... Carrie~ What exactly do you do when you twist the wick??
  6. Maggie, I've used FH's RD Apple also, I DOES do well in the FH wax... just didn't have a market for it, odd.... great scent... CB, let me know about CW's Mulberry Spice, I need a replacement for C&S's....shame, that was a great oil for me, too...just don't want to make that drive for it, too lazy!
  7. Yea, I know the CD's mushroom a lot, but darn it! they work sooo well w/ this wax!!! lol! Wow! You made a lot of changes to combat the sooting, huh, CB? I love the look of this jar much more than the widemouth 8's, but I think I get a better burn w/ those....
  8. That's what this has me wondering now, I thought tins-without the risk of glass heating too much and cracking-were generally safer???
  9. Thanks ladies, interesting sounding scent...Deb, best of luck with that fundraiser!
  10. CB~ Ya know, I've been meaning to ask you...I just started using the 8 oz sqaure masons, I am used to pouring in the widemouth JJ's, I am noticing that I get more soot w/ the masons, any solution to this? (wicking same as you do, of course! ) I know these have more of a "neck" and therefore are catching more of the burn than the widemouths...
  11. Thanks CB! I am gonna get downstairs and pour some Van Latte tonight! I thought it was SO YUM in my tarts! Good to know in advance to wick up! Ya know, I also mixed (yea, big into mixin' these days! ) CS Hansle & Gretels House w/ Flicker's (disc.) Apple Orchard...another GOOD mix...sounds similar to what the Caramel Apple and Oatmeal Cinn Crunch smelled together, maybe?
  12. rbyrd@insightbb.com Her (Bert's) e-mail addy, and she has an e-bay store called Heaven Scent Candle and Soap Supply http://www.candlesupplys.us/~ Indiana Candle Supplies web addy
  13. Hi Beverly, I did 50/50 of each... I was wondering why I don't see more pumpkin/apple mixes talked about, as it sounded yummy to me, so I gave it a try, I think it's worth a go for you, because it definately adds something to the pumpkin that's not your traditional creamy-ness, and it's not OVERLY sweet, KWIM? I picked Bert's Apple Cinnamon to mix w/ the PP Filling because it's very apple-y, not too big in the spice dept., and it's a GREAT mix, very FALL! Like I said, I have to re-test it for throw, since it's been a few days now... CB~ Thanks for the tip about wicking up, that may be worth trying, it DID burn nice, though, just very light throw... have to walk a thin line with this, but to get it to work will be worth it!!
  14. BNL Autumn Leaves is a great dupe, IMO; I've been pouring this oil, and when I smelled Yank's, it smelled just the same, to me! (They are carried by BCN, I think this is one they carry)
  15. Putting the cooled burner in the freezer works for me every time...:undecided
  16. Pumpkin Pie Filling~ICS and Bert's Apple Cinnamon~ OMG, this IS the ultimate fall scent, IMO! Sweet yummy pumpkin and apples w/ just a TOUCH of spice, ahhhh, soooo good! Now, to see if it throws, fingers crossed......smells AWESOME in a tart!!!!!!
  17. Hmmm...haven't poured this in a jar yet, Jenn, but I will tonight or tomorrow...if you burn it before then , let us know how it goes... I know my tarts were YUMMMMM!!!!!!!!
  18. He may have been talking about the portion cups...some folks make them in those and they come w/ lids, I believe.
  19. A re-pour after the initial pour hardens a bit: I save a tad bit of the wax in my melting pot, re-heat it to hot, and pour up to the tops of the molds- in my case mini muffin pans- then slow cool, I just put a box over the pan... sounds worse than it is, really, it's no big deal to me... I like the fact that my tarts are HARD, not crumbly hard, but not greasy or soft, they hold up well in their pacakging, and their throw is phenomenal!
  20. I wanted to try it, but the description sounded odd to me.... :undecided There is someone here who has tried it, though, can't remember who it was...
  21. Hi, I use a straight, plain, 130 MP paraffin for my tarts and add vybar for higher scent retention-and let me tell ya, I load 'em up! I have to do a re-pour on them, but personally, I'd rather do that than mess with a soft container blend for tarts...JMO.
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