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Sharon in PA

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Everything posted by Sharon in PA

  1. LMAO.....!!!! OMG...TOO FUNNY, GIRL!!! :laugh2:
  2. Deb- WAY COOOOL GIRL!!! I definately wanna check it out!!!! Congrats!!!!
  3. Sorry, the rest of us addicts cannot help you, if we cannot help OURSELVES! But if you'll be sellin' I'll be lookin'!!! lolol! :rolleyes2
  4. I poured one of these last night just for fun, got 2 for myself and a friend, and darn! what a pretty candle it makes!! My friend actually had the same idea with the cello bags and rafia or another tie, instead of a lid, then the label could be put on the bag instead of on the jar, and of course your phone # could be put on the bottom of the jar w/ the warning label so folks could re-order.
  5. Yea, you had posted about them before! It was your post that had all the good info!!!
  6. Ya know what, I did a search, yea, AFTER I posted :rolleyes2 ...and got a bunch of info!!! Thanks anyway!
  7. http://www.save-on-crafts.com/votiveholder1.html They are the Libbey square glass votive holders, but they hold like 7 oz of wax... they make such a pretty jar, and I'd like to get my hands on a bunch...I got the 2 I have up at Doller General for a buck ea. Thanks for your help...!!!!!
  8. CB, as I really think Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper is to my nose, just a good, strong sweet orange, it may mix well w/ clove...don't forget though, I didn't test this in our wax, just did tarts, but it was strong, nice, and it LASTED... I wouldn't change the MC WCA for anyone else's, only becuase, I can't imagine finding a better one than MC's...very true dupe, and throws/burns great in our wax, BTW, I DO pour my oils @ 9%.... I am gonna do a sampler w/ ICS, what other's have you used of theirs have worked in our wax? Like I said, I like their oils, and selection, but I don't have luck w/ them... LOVE Raspberry Lemonade, however! And I mix their Pumpkin Pie Filling w/ Bert's Apple Cinnamon to get that YUM scent I mixed up that I posted about...I think it needs a VERY long cure in a jar, and I wicked up- no good, but it makes a DARN good tart! And I mix ICS Apple Cider w/ Cinna Crunch to get Warm Cinn Cider, still testing throw for this, though...smells great however! GOTTA get me some Sugared Spruce, thanks for the heads up and to Carol K too!!
  9. CB~ I LOVE MC's Bayberry, and Winter Candy Apple- have sworn by them for a few yrs. now, they always sell out for me, and I didn't think I'd like a bayberry at all! Cozy Home is a very nice Apple Pie scent, didn't try it in a jar, only tarts... High Cotton (I rename to Sweet Cotton) is very nice, almost a slight floral clean scent, didn't sell THAT great for me, if you'd like a bit to try, let me know... MC's Lilac Breeze is great, the springtime-floral fans love it! It's not an obnoxious lilac to my nose... Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper is a very nice, true sweet orange, I didn't smell any spice, and I personally wouldn't put that in the name, I think it would throw MY customers off, again, poured into tarts, not jars, yet... If I think of more from MC I'll let ya know...
  10. Whew! Glad to hear that! So, you're liking this scent? How's it compare to our SP?
  11. You're going to have me ordering that dang oil on YOUR head!! ENABLER!!!! (sandissoaps already lit THAT fire!! lol! )
  12. Sale??? Did you say sale???? Is it on their site, or is there a code?? Is this the no shipping sale for orders over $40?
  13. Hehe, that Pumpkin Frappacino is the one I am ITCHING to try!!! Did you pour it in wax or did you soap it? BTW: did a q-tip test 2:1 this morning w/ Southern Scentsations Grandma's Pumpkin Log and Bert's Vanilla Latte (heavier on the Pumpkin...) smelled good so far...
  14. Thanks for letting us know, it helps...still trying to justify those prices in my mind!!!
  15. I really really love Heaven Scent's Lemon Biscotti; it's strong in my 50/50, I sell a lot of it in jars and tarts, and you cannot beat the price!
  16. A third vote here for Farnhouse Snowy Pine, a consistant best seller, yr. after yr...
  17. OK, I DID do a search before posting but this info is mixed into sooo many threads, it could take hours to find this specific bit of info... So, I am hoping someone can give me some insight as to what size CD wick an HTP 41 compares to...or, if anyone would happen to know which burns hotter a CD 4 or an HTP 41...?? Thanks for the help!!!
  18. Ok, I am doing these as a sale incentive (cause I REALLY REALLY don't want to do votives ! lol!) for a show I am doing... I tried wicking a heavier oil (Bert's Lemon Biscotti) in these w/ a CD 6, and it's way too hot...I don't think a CD 4 will be much better.. I have HTP 41's and know nothing about HTP wicks; would these be SMALLER than a CD 4?? Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks! BTW: This is Farmhouse 50/50...
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