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Everything posted by blt212

  1. Thanks...I just found it....I must need to increase the magnification on my reader glasses. So I got some clarification from the Vineyard that they want to smell the smokiness so I'm leaning toward WSP Crackling Firewood. I can't tell by the Fireside Inn's Description if it's also smoky.... She also said that she smelled a candle a couple of years ago at Old Navy that was a fireplace/fire scent that she'd like to have it smell like. I didn't even know Old Navy sold candles
  2. Hi Trapp: I was wondering if you had to wick up with the scent. I used 16oz smooth mason jars with an ECO10 for most scents - diameter of neck is 2 3/4" and widens to 3" Just trying to avoid one of those wicking nightmare scents if possible... Thx Brenda
  3. Thanks for the replies.... nmhoneybear: I wasn't able to find Fireside Inn on WildFire's site unless I'm looking at the wrong website. Can you send me the link please. Trapp: I know you use C3 like I do, does WSP's Crackling Firewood give you a good throw and if so at what percent? Also how's the wicking? I really appreciate the help, this one came out of nowhere and we all know what a pain the testing can be nevermind knowing if we're understanding what the customer is looking for....now if it was July I wouldn't care but now, i'm getting a little busier.....not complaining though :smiley2: Brenda
  4. I have a request for a wood burning fire scent and to date I haven't sampled any campfire, fireside, fireplace type scents. Anyone have suggestions on would be be close to this request. They want to market it in a Vineyard Tasting Room that has a wood burning fireplace if that helps? I've searched and seen ICS's Elton John Fireside and Peak's Fireside, either of these mimic this... Appreciate the feedback..
  5. I use and sell them both and Candlebuddy is right on with the descriptions. I do sell more of Pumpkin Souffle....I think it has a better cold throw than PCC and the hot throw is awesome. HTH
  6. I use C3 so I can't speak for your wax but you might want to cut down on the FO. I use 6% and get a great throw and no fuel smell. I use ECO wicks also...HTH
  7. I'm in CT and get my soy wax from the Jar Store.....it's currently $59.50 for a 50lb box of C3.....haven't look anywhere else since the Jar Store is local to me and I can save on shipping. One thing I have noticed is they've been out of stock recently and the last time I had to wait 3 weeks for them to get in a new shipment....not so good now that the season is picking up....
  8. Thanks Sarah for the update. I ended up renewing with Indie for $545.00 for 1 million. Just an FYI for anyone getting ready to renew with Indie...I renewed online and my new policy did not pick up from the current policies renewal date. This would not have been a big deal except I renewed about 3 weeks early so I wouldn't let it slip. I did contact them and they are adjusting the date but it might be easier to renew closer to the expiration date of your current policy. They did say it was supposed to do this automatically but something might not be working correctly with the online renewal.... HTH Brenda
  9. I've used both Candlescience and Bittercreeks and they both lifted when pouring at 155F+....so far the Candlemaker's store have held up great. I also love that they don't have those pain in the neck paper tabs to remove....it's a really time saver. I know there's alot of talk about hi-temp silicone and other hi-temp glues but I feel these work really well and haven't had a problem with any thus far either sticking or holding up during burning. HTH
  10. Thanks Sarah for the info.....I'm definitely interested in how Peerless compares to Indie which is $545/year with membership included, 1 million coverage.... Brenda
  11. I called the Craft Council and they gave me the number for AMJ Insurance which is 888-258-6820. They also said you would have to become a Craft Council member if you obtained insurance through AMJ. I called and got Larry Voith's voicemail for business insurance...I left a message last week and to date have not heard back... Based on this, I'm think I'm sticking with Indie although I would love to find someone who was less expensive.... Also checked with my regular insurance carrier for Home and Auto, Liberty Mutual but they don't handle any kind of Product Liability Insur
  12. Thank you Karen....appreciate the feedback... Brenda
  13. I just want to say I love the CMS's wick stickers. I've used several other suppliers and these stick the best and hold up the best when pouring hot. Others have lifted at this temp which can really be frustrating. I also love that they come on a sheet...much quicker to use. I can't recall the forum members that recommended them, but thank you thank you and thank you..... Brenda
  14. The description says Almonds, berries & citrus peels enhanced by dried ginger roots. Can you really smell the almonds....I'm looking for something a little different for Fall and this sounds interesting. It's also in there closeout so I'd like to buy enough to last awhile if it's a good seller and good thrower in C3. Thx Brenda
  15. I see the Warm Orange Gingerbread is in TN's Closeout list.....thinking about purchasing it....anyone use it in C3? Thx Brenda
  16. Hi Deb: I use C3 and did not have to wickup....now Amish Harvest, that's another story....wicked up a bunch on that one... Brenda
  17. During my initial testing I got the burnt smell with Pumpkin Souffle in C3 so I put the candle aside thinking I wouldn't use it. After about a week or two, I relit it and the burnt smell was gone and it had a great ht. Now it's one of my favorites along with Pumpkin Crunch Cake....
  18. Thanks so much, that is definitely the jar. Some of Enchanted Lights distributors sell it as well. I'll have to see which is closest to me for shipping.
  19. Yes the lid is plastic and it just pushes on.....I'm pretty sure there are no threads on the top... I've been searching but so far no luck...possibly they have them made custom for them..
  20. Thanks so much....I'll check those vendors....
  21. Looking for the name of this 4.5 oz jar and who might sell them...also like the black lids if anyone has a vendor for those. Thanks:smiley2:
  22. I've just begun testing some of the Lonestar oils after about a week cure and I'm finding them light. I used 6% in C3. I also though the weight of the oils were very light when pouring. Prior to purchasing I did some research and most feedback seemed positive. I'm wondering if they've changed the formula or maybe it's the combination of my soy and the oils but would love to hear others experience with the following scents: Began testing: Sea Petals Patchouli Dickens Christmas Still need to test: Christmas Mulberry Noel Balsam and Cedar Thanks Brenda
  23. No I didn't use those exact glasses but mine were pretty much straight as well just over 3" in dia. I don't sell them but just make for friends and myself. It didn't seem like the dip took much glue and because the glass and stem comes together there it wasn't really noticeable...
  24. Hi Jeana... I use a little hot glue in that dip area of the wine glass and then stick the wick tab directly to it....has worked out well for me. HTH Brenda
  25. I have found that my wholesale customers typically charge more than I do on my website. One of the advantages for the retail customer is they do not have to pay shipping. If you figure shipping on one candle it can make a huge difference. I explain this when quoting wholesale inquiries. Also, depending on what type of retail store the candles are in, they can often charge more than my online price. For example, I know that one wholesale customer (Jewelry Store) charges alot more than my online price and he thinks he could even get more.... HTH
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