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Everything posted by samandkennasmom

  1. 30-35 would be awesome! I just have to find how to get there!
  2. Does m&p have a shelf life? I bought 20# about 2 years ago and never did anything with it? Ya all think it's still good or no? TIA!
  3. With the new year coming, I know I need to regroup and get a new plan. I have WAY to many scents and need to cut back. I have 100+ and its just plain crazy. Just wondering about how many scents ya all offer and how many in each category. I have a lot of bakery cause they sell well for me but would just like an idea! Thank you all so much!
  4. I ordered a 16oz bottle cause of all the great reviews I've read..and of course I can't even give it away:angry2:
  5. Yeah, I kinda thought the same thing..seemed like they just kinda blew me off for quite a while but in the end they made it right! I'm pretty happy cause even tho I don't use nearly as many oils from them as I used to, the ones I do, I really like! Thanks all for your guidance!
  6. Called yesterday and they are going to give me a refund so all is good. I'm so glad!
  7. Just wondering how much ya all sell these for? I want to come up with a cute name but I'm just not very creative..all I can't think of is Tiny Tarts, and we can't use the word tart so that's out! I was thinking of doing the 2oz $2 ea or 6/$10..I bought some of the 1oz cups but don't know if I even wanna do anything with them or just use as samples. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
  8. Looks very professional! I'd stop in to shop! Great job!
  9. I love Pooh's Garden! That's really cute! Sweet Honey & Lilac would be my second choice! I bet it smells really nice!
  10. So it's been 9 days since they received the oil back from me. Haven't heard anything yet..how long do ya all think this should take?
  11. Sent the oil back yesterday..along with a clamshell I had made up with it. I have smelled it so many times in hopes it just had to cure a little bit..NOT!
  12. Someone called me back yesterday, if I want I can send it back to them and they will look into it.
  13. I never had a problem either. I really like a lot of their oils!
  14. I posted on fb..guess crossing my fingers i hear back! I need to place an order for quite a few oils but I've been kinda waiting to see how this goes!
  15. Thanks for the fb link! I'll give till tomorrow for a call back and then post on fb! Maybe she wasn't there or something today!
  16. I called this morning and left a message..nothing, ziltch, nada! I'm really irritated now! NG! NG! NG!
  17. I think I must be living under rocks or something then, what companies do that?
  18. I'm gonna try and call her tomorrow then! I will tell you all then..is that fair? I just want to do everything right and give her the opportunity to do what's right. I am not the type of person to bad mouth others but this really has me upset! Thank you all for your help! :0)
  19. Yep, I did get a sample first! So do ya all think I should call back and ask to speak with the owner personally? I have no issues mentioning which supplier it is, I just get all your thoughts on how long is too long that the problem should of been corrected. I'm just amazed..not in a good way, that this is all happening. It is a very large well known business. Like I said, if ya all think I've handled it correctly, I'll mention which supplier it is! Thank you all so much for your opinions, I respect them so much!
  20. You got my vote..I love that name! It's kinda long but makes me wanna buy it just for the name!
  21. I ordered 12 bottles of oils 3 weeks ago from a supplier I have used for 5 years. I smelled the Gingersnap cookies and OOB it smelled like a household cleaner. Hoping after in wax it would be better.. NOT! I Emailed them and waited 5 days..no response. Then called and was told they would check into it and get back to me in a couple days. Waited another week..nothing. Called again and was told they checked into it and the oil is fine. I said..um, no its not fine, there is no way this is how Gingersnap Cookies smells. It is disgusting! Something is not right. I've bought oils for 5 years from you, this has never happened before. Well they will talk to the owner and she can get back to you. That was another week ago. I'm so irritated, I counted and have 42 of oils from this company so it's not like I'm just trying them out! OMG! How would you all handled this?
  22. I like them strong too so maybe I'll start out with .5 and see how that goes. Thanks!
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