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Everything posted by samandkennasmom

  1. Oh wow..your on the ball! Thanks Dessa:0)
  2. Just wondering how much time you spend in your candle room this time of year? Seems like I'm living in mine lately but just not getting anything done. I hate that! I know I'm in there 5-6 hours everyday.
  3. Had a guy ask me for this..anyone know if their is a dupe for it? Also BBW Black Currant Vanilla? I hardly ever go there, never even heard of them. TIA
  4. Wow, don't think I would go there, huh?
  5. Hi! Was just curious if potpourri is a good seller for those of you who make it? How much do you sell it for? Just wondering if I wanna go there or not?? TIA
  6. Omg..I do the exact same thing! I have enough 1ozer's to choke a horse!
  7. Well I sent Tyler some of ICS Pumpkin Pie Filling so hopefully he will score!
  8. I used to only have my kitchen too! Am so Blessed and thankful to now have my own room! I am hoping things change for all you girls soon!
  9. I don't have a door on my room yet! I will have to get hubby on that! I had quite a few people, thinking back on it that have said..oh, you make candles? I'll have to come over sometime and see how you do it. I don't ever want to sound like a jerk and it always makes me uncomfortable so I usually just pretend I didn't hear them! That's probably even more rude!
  10. Oh my gosh, that's to funny cause that is exactly what I say. Oh, I'm not coming over to judge you, just would love to see your house and chat with you!
  11. I forgot to add that I'm so unorganized and one of my friends is super awesome at it! She's offered to help me with it. So do I dare? My husbands says I'm just paranoid, not everyone wants to make candles, Michele! I would love the help though..
  12. About 2 years ago I had a good friend want to help me with my candles. If nothing else I can just come over and keep ya company! I had known her for quite a few years. I'm sure ya already know where this is going, right? Yeah..after about 5 times of keeping me company, she started making candles. So..now I have 2 friends that want to come over and see my house, I love primitive and my hubby is redoing our house in old barnboard. Both have mentioned how they really want to "see" my candle room. How would you go about this? I don't wanna come across as snobby or anything..like no I'm sorry, I can't show you that! They would more than likely think I'm a wing nut! Help me, please??
  13. That's a really good idea Holly! And I'm so glad to know at I'm not all alone! Another thing I do that drives me crazy is if my oil gets like 10-12 months old I don't wanna use it. Think I need to get new oil, like really Michele?
  14. I just can't seem to get over doing this! When I order samples to try, if it don't smell good to me, I have the hardest time pouring it! The sad part is I know that oils can "come alive" once in wax. I have so many 1oz bottles it's just wrong. Does anyone else do this?
  15. NG Pumpkin Apple Butter is a really good thrower for me to but I'm just not liking it much! I would love a super strong pumpkin but I don't think it's out there!
  16. Hi! It's really strong, I smell a lil sweet but not overwhelming. I love it, cinnamon is one of my fav's! I think I like ICS red hot cinnamon better. Let me know what ya think after wax,please?
  17. It's not heavy on the fireside pretty subtle I think. The two scents work really well together. Where's rtcfav3? He's so good at blending scents together! I want to try and come up with something for us to try but every fireside I've smelled was so yucky! Don't wanna ruin my good marshmallow:0) If anyone has thoughts I'd love to try them! TIA
  18. Mine is doing exactly what you said. It does smell good though.
  19. Omg, this does smell awesome! Went to Bath & Body just to smell it and bought two! Hope it has good ht!
  20. Hi Paul! I have did quite a few home parties. Most of the girls all like playing the games cause they know they can win free candles, melts or room spritz. I'm not one for talking in from of people, I wish I could cause I think most people would like to know about us chandlers..ya know, like most parties are not actual product that is hand made. I love talking one on one but put in front of people and I freak out. Usually when the guests get there, they will talk for a few minutes with the host and then they are all up by the display just sniffin like crazy! When they finally decide, they will get their stuff all paid for and then it' time for em to dive into the desserts! I think that is everyone's favorite part! I think I mentioned here that I give my hostesses one free 16oz, 8oz, room spritz and tart. They get 10% of their sales free in product. I like to do basket parties too!
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