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Everything posted by Angel91805

  1. Everyone's mileage may vary of course..... Having said that....I made two batches using this recipe...I superfatted at 5%. It's not a very hard bar... One of the batches has dreadful DOS...like taken over the entire bar bad. I'm keeping an eye on the last few bars of the other batch. Donna
  2. You've got it right. A base is where a company has already made the lipbalm for you and put it in a jar. You just weigh out what you want, melt it down, add your flavor oils, sweeteners and color (if using) and pour into lipbalm tubes or pots. My favorite is the Mango butter lip solutions by MMS. Here's the link: http://www.thesage.com/catalog/LipSolutions.html I like the shea one as well, but it's a titch too soft for where I live. You could make it yourself as well...I'm still formulating myself...there are many recipes in the Recipe section...just do a search on lipbalm. As for gloss....no help for you, I'm afraid! Good luck! Donna
  3. I'm no HP expert by any means...but it shouldn't zap at all if you cooked it long enough. I test for zap before taking it off the heat source and putting it in the mold. You could give it a day or two and check again. If it still zaps, toss it back in the crockpot (or however you did) it, maybe add a splash or oil and cook it some more.
  4. Oh no.....I don't need another supplier.....no no...I must resist!! (Woo - freakin - who!) Oh, I hear you on the "I don't care what it looks like, I made it and love it anyway!" thing. I have several batches of those! Hell...I still poke DH while washing my hands, show him the bubbles and say "look...I made soap!". I have a batch of butt-ugly burnt orange and yellow strawberry scented soap that will give your green chocolate cake soap a run for it's money. Hehehe Donna
  5. Wow. That is one interesting shade of green! LOL. I hate it when the color changes! Any chance of the FO turning brown on it's own?? You've peaked my curiosity...where in the world did you find a body safe German Chocolate Cake FO??? I want one!! I've tried both Peak's and The Candlemaker Store and both are not body safe!! DH and my girlfriend are German chocolate cake fanatics. Donna
  6. I use Pink Sugar from Peaks and neither my tarts, shower gel, nor M&P have turned brown. CP is another story though! I guess some are more prone to turning than others.
  7. Upstate NY I believe....down the streat from Fragrance Oil Heaven!
  8. Let's see.... Blue Sugar - FBD Green Irish Tweed - OT Chrome - Solas Very Sexy for Him - Solas Masculine Musk - Tony's Waterfall Cascade - FOH Drakkar - Solas I think I have more men's scents than I do women's!! Donna
  9. I really like Peak's Wild Mountain Honey.....
  10. I would email EBC and ask them. Some bases, from some suppliers, have a bit of play room added in for added goodies. When I emailed The Candlemaker's Store about one of their bases they said I could add up to 50% other goodies without affecting the preservative. It never hurts to ask! Donna
  11. I use the 1.8x1.8 square ones from Onlinelabels.com. They do slightly overlap though, which I don't mind a bit. Donna
  12. Woo hoo!! Good for you! You will love HCM! Sharon and Frank totally rock! I knew absolutely nothing about building a website and I can't tell you how many dumb questions I asked. (And still ask!) They are very patient, helpful, and put it into words you can understand (i.e. not techno-babble). Be sure to check out Frank's tutorials too...those are SO very helpful! And if in doubt...PM/email me and I'll give ya a hand too! Lord knows I had to have my hand held a few times when I didn't want to pester Sharon or Frank! LOL. Donna
  13. Me too! I made bastille (90 oo, 5 babassu, 5 castor) on 7/4 and it was cut and seemed hard the next day. I think I used 33%. I think you still want to give it at least 4-6 weeks to cure. I'm not sure how young of skin you can use it on, but I would say by the time your 6 weeks are up, the baby would be 2 months and that might be ok.
  14. Well...did you discount the water at all? If not, it's gonna be 4-6 months for that sucker to cure anyway.
  15. What about a champagne scent? I think of the bubbly when I think of an upscale holiday party. I know I've seen champagne & strawberry scents. Or champagne, strawberry and chocolate? Yeah, I suck at this type of thing. Donna
  16. Lindsay's Shea lotion totally rocks. I start to get antsy when my bottle is less than 1/2 full. A 1:1 dilution is a great lotion..not too thin, not too thick. I like it a titch thicker, so I probably will do something like 7oz water to 8oz lotion base next time. Sarah...MMS has the slim line shrink bands. http://www.thesage.com/catalog/ShrinkWrap.html it is the very last thing on this page. Donna
  17. I know, I know...why bother asking, right? I'm about to place an order from Tony's. I like to have 5 or so scents before I add a supplier. Right now, I'm up to 3, maybe 4. Any other must haves? I'm getting: Masculine Musk (my girlfriend's favorite for her DH) English Ivy Island Kiss I'm kicking around Water Blossom Ivy, Moonlight Path, Rice Flowers & Shea, Green Cactus and Fresh Waterfall Mist (can you tell I like clean scents?)... Any recommendations or must haves?? Donna
  18. Yup...you got it right. I do 5 pounds in my slab mold...so I do 40 oz of soap and 40 oz of salt. When you get your lye and water numbers, do it for the 40oz of oils only. Donna
  19. Would leaking glycerin zap the crap out of the tongue? I've never heard of leakign glycerin. Of course, I've never heard of a bar of soap crying lye either! I just finished scooping the mess out of the crock pot and slamming it in the mold. I tested for lye zap and got none, so we'll see how it goes when I unmold it. One good thing...the light tourquise color turned into a nice deep aqua. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow! Donna
  20. Ohhhh...I like all the ones suggested! I thought of: Pink Sugar High (I know...) Psychedelic Pink Donna
  21. Hi hope it is too! I'm gonna chunk it up and toss it in the crock here in a little bit. Worse thing that can happen is it gets tossed in the trash. I'm gonna try to get a pic of the tears first though. Hugs, Donna
  22. I've searched, but I haven't been able to pull up a thread with this issue.... On Wednesday I soaped Peak's Ocean, with all the warnings in mind about how fast it moves. It went well, looked great. I had a feeling it might heat up and I didn't want a gel, so I popped it into the fridge. I used FULL WATER with my usual recipe. Nothing new to compete with this FO. Thursday I cut it. Looked fine. Was a titch cool still from the fridge. Last night, however, my soap bars were crying. Like crystal clear tear drops on the soap. Stupid me, touch one w/ my finger and burned the #^#%&@* out of my tongue! They were all weeping. I pitched them in my soaping crockpot, just to get them off the curing rack and away from my family that likes to walk by, pick one up and sniff. So....can I chunk them up and HP it?? Donna
  23. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45838&highlight=Candlemaker%27s+Store There's the link where I was asking about the same bases awhile back. I knew it was somethingAngel (since my own screen name is Angel...). WildAngel it is. Maybe Rena will pop in or you could PM her. I've got it, just haven't gotten around to playing with it. Guess what I might do tomorrow now?? I've got some Monoi de Tahiti oil that needs playing with!
  24. The Goatsmilk Hand and Body Lotion is the same thing as KY's Glaze. I have their thick soy lotion and just the regular soy lotion, but I haven't played with it enough to see if it whips. There's another member here that uses this too, but I'll be dipped if I can remember her screen name (can see the avatar pic in my head though!). Let me see if I can search for the post and I'll post the link to it. Donna
  25. I order mine from The Candlemaker's Store. Same thing and cheaper too. Donna
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