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Everything posted by Angel91805

  1. I guess that isn't THAT bad of a deal. It appears that Cierra Candles offeres SFIC M&P Bases. I went to Peak Candle, my favorite , and you could buy each of those things individually for $30.95 but that doesn't include colorants (I used food color for my first playings in M&P). BUT...the advantage there is YOU get to pick the 6 fragrance oils that you want to try and the mold you want to play with. Just my thoughts... Donna
  2. I'm sorry you are having so many problems with the dimensions I posted. They work perfectly on my inkjet printer with my matte 2" round labels from onlinelabels.com......:tiptoe:
  3. http://www.celestialcolors.com/celestialcolors.html Always happy to enable..... Spending someone else's money is almost as good as spending mine! <ducking> Donna
  4. I hope you don't mind....I found a few grammer/spelling issues. On your About Us page: We are home based business growing into retail stores soon. Should read "We are a home based business...." "We make our products with the best product on the market and take pride in out work." Well...the word "product" is in that sentence too many times, and it should be pride in OUR work, not out. Maybe something like "We take pride in our work, using only the best products on the market." Just a thought. (I'm an English/Accounting major so don't shoot me.) "We hope you will enjoy our products as much as our family,friends and of coarse us" First, "coarse" should should be course, unless they are rough! LOL. But I think it would read better as "We hope you will enjoy our products as much as we do!" And there is no punctuation at the end of your sentence, only a smiley face. On your candles/melts it says.... "Our candles are hand poured with a lovely blend of soy/palm wax mixed with finest in fragrance." Doesn't flow right at the end. Maybe "Our candles are hand poured with a lovely blend of soy/palm wax and mixed with the finest of fragrances." :tiptoe: I'm going to go back under my rock now.... Donna
  5. It's time to start thinking about gift baskets. I could have sworn I had some links saved of places to get wholesale gift baskets from, but I can't find my links! Anyone know of any good places? I just set up at Buhi Imports, but any others? Thanks! Donna
  6. OK...Here you go....this is the custom template I made... horizontal vertical Number of Panels: 4 5 Page Size: 8 1/2" 11" Page Margin: 0.16" 0.38" Panel Size: 2" 2" Panel Spacing: 0.06" 0.06" If that doesn't work, PM your email address and I'll email you my file. Donna
  7. Celestial Colors here.....though I do use Select Shades on some soaps.
  8. <GAG> Oh my. :eek: *faint* So totally not my thing...but it doesn't surprise me.
  9. OMG...I love Grey Flannel....that is my "Daddy" scent, since he always wore it and now I associate that smell with him. Is there a dupe out there that anyone knows of???
  10. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: *soap porn approval*
  11. Ahhh....Beloved, that sucks. I know how it is with the birthday thing, let me tell you. I'm no Grumpy (though she is my idol), but if you will PM me your address, I'll happily send you a bar of soap for your birthday! It would be my pleasure!! Hugs, Donna
  12. Blue Sugar .....purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Green Irish Tweed does it for me too....but Blue Sugar really is nice. Very Sexy for Men is great too. Did I mention I have my very own bar of Blue Sugar soap to carry around and sniff???
  13. Ohhh...step away from the Select Shades!!! See this thread here...these are the ones that I used the Celestial Colors on for the first time. I think only 3 or 4 of the soaps use either Select Shades (the lime green for sure) or cocoa powder for colorant. Other than that, the other 10 or 11 logs are using Celestial Colors...and nope....no bleeding! (yet) http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57965 Donna
  14. I'm not seeing Cherry Cola on Peak's site!!! Cleanglow...I know exactly what you mean. I recently got an order and they put in a sample of Warm Vanilla Sugar....and I immediately put it on my "to buy" list. I swear, I'm starting to think they have a database and know JUST what samples to send you.....i.e they don't seem to duplicate them. They sure are sneaky that way! :tiptoe: Donna
  15. I just started using them this past weekend. (And they totally rock!) BUT, I only used them in CP soap. I hope someone that knows about the M&P chimes in as I plan to use them in M&P too!
  16. I'm with Sharon, in that I use my Misty Creek slab mold for salt bars. I would think it would be very difficult to use a Do-Right mold for salt bars. You need to cut the salt bars about 1 hour after you make them or they get too hard to cut. If you use a log mold, you'd have to remove it from the mold and then cut...but you'd have to hope it was set up enough not to moosh. (Does that make any sense? It does in my head, but I think I'm rambling!) You'd definately have to break down the Do-Right to cut the soap, and that may not be an easy thing since the soap would be damp-ish still. OK...I'm gonna shut up now. I'm assuming you want to have the lowest shipping so you can get more goodies. MMS rocks. You can probably get just about everything from there. They, and Soaper's Workshop, are in Utah, so shipping to CA wouldn't be tooo bad. Peak is in Colorado, so, not shipping from the other side of the country. It'd be really helpful to know what it is you are needing to buy, specifically. Donna
  17. Not sure where you would buy them from.....but these at Nashville Wraps say they are FDA approved for contact w/ food. So, that would mean they are A-OK for doggies. http://www.nashvillewraps.com/ShowSku.ww?Class=029&Type=182 Hmmm....I'm sure my chihuahua would love homemade treats.... HAHA. Donna
  18. Yup, what Sarah said. In my opinion, you need to let it sit a while too. It seems to get a little thicker overnight. Donna
  19. Ohhh...I am not a fan of the shower gel concentrate. It dried DH and I out terribly! Donna
  20. Man...you just described MOST of my soaps! I can't swirl in a log mold to save my life. And since I use log molds almost exclusively...well, you see my dilemma! Your soapies look very nice! Guess I know now to stay away from the jasmine :tiptoe: . I've had enough seizing on me lately! I can't wait to see the BRV cut....so pretty! Whose did you use? I used Peak's....and it did get a little speedy at the end....looked like purple pudding. HAHA. But, I discounted water too...so that may have been the beast. Can't wait to see them cut! Donna
  21. Here's the cut picture..... Dejae....no, I don't want to see anything soap related for awhile. Sara....next time...YOU come cut them! Ugh. Even with a FCS cutter, I hate doing it! ROFL. Hugs, Donna
  22. I've also soaped the Blue Sugar (purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr), but I can't compare it with Daystar's either. I've also soaped Burberry London, soft and light at 1oz ppo, and Irish Spring, kicks BUTT at 1oz ppo. Yeah...I think that is the only ones I've done so far. Donna
  23. I'm a tired girl. In two days I've made 15 batches. All in all...the actualy "soaping" was only about 4 hours. But all the prep work! Oy! Now I just need to unmold the ones from today and then cut all of them. Cut pictures will be coming...eventually! Here we go....from top to bottom: BW Cucumber Mint, FOH Bamboo Sugar Cane, Peak's Med. Fig, Solas Lavender, Cucumber & Sage, OT Absolutely Awesome Oakmoss, SC Lime Margarita, Peak's Black Raspberry Vanilla, BW Blackberry Patch (yes, it seized on me. No, that brain look was not intentional!) And today's soaps....still in the molds (from top to bottom): Peak's Rose Bouquet, Tony's Rice Flour and Shea (there's a speedy one for ya!), Peak's Ginger Peach, OT Karma (I ain't got nothing on Grumpy!), Peak's Pink Sugar (wonder how long till the yellow turns brown! I didn't color that yellow!), Peak's Cranberry Citrus, Peak's Brown Sugar & Fig (yes, I got a bit happy w/ the cocoa powder) <yawn> I'm going to bed now. Hugs, Donna
  24. I just got Mac Apple, Caramel Apple and Warm Apple Pie from Peak's. YUMMY! I figured that would solve all my apple issues w/ my customers. The "straight" apple (Macintosh apple) for those that don't like the bakery spicey cinnamony apple... The caramel apple for the fall festivals and halloween-y types.... And the apple pie for the foodie fans They (my customers) seem to be content for the moment.... Donna
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