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Everything posted by Angel91805

  1. Just a thought..... On your Air Freshener page, you have one product with a drop down menu of the scents. On the other pages (wickless jars and the melts), you have each scent listed seperately. Why is that? JMHO, of course, as a customer, I'd rather see one vibrant picture with different sizes/colors, etc and a drop down menu, than be faced with 3-5 pages of each scent listed out with, basically, the same picture, just with a different color wax. KWIM? Just my thoughts there.... :tiptoe: No "About Me" page for me either. Aren't Sharon and Frank the BEST?? Donna
  2. You would need a special foamer bottle. They add the air in, and that makes the foam. MMS has them, as does Essentials by Catalina, WSP, Soaper Supplies, etc etc etc. BTW...take your normal shower gel, and add water to turn it into a foamer. Some gels are 50/50, some are 33/67, etc. Hope that helps! Donna
  3. I'm in TX too... You charge sales tax when you sell to someone in the state of TX. If you sell to someone outside of the state, you don't charge tax. Here's a good spot to start.... http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/sales/index.html
  4. I ordered a pound too.....lovely scent! You will love it.
  5. Hehehe...yeah, that was my post on Peak's site! No A, No D.....and we are at 4 months now (I'd have to find my notes) and the scent is lovely. Comes alive in the water! Donna
  6. Oh my....did I not review that on the Scent Review board? OOPS! I remember! I left a review on Peak's site and forgot! Me! Me! I have! And it's a dream to soap! I was prepared for it to be a fast mover, and it wasn't. I had time for 3 colors. The scent is sticking well too, and it's been about 4 months. I used full water on an all veggie recipe. I lurve this scent! Donna
  7. Thanks for all the suggestion! Still no soap yet, though. The coffee grounds I was attempting to use were like powder (Flavia single serve), and then I've had multiple 8-10 yr old boys streaking through my house the past few days. :tiptoe: BUT, it is being made tomorrow, for sure! If it comes out...I'll post pics. Donna
  8. I've only tried one of their oils in wax....paraffin.....Nectarine Blossom & Honey and it's very nice. I'm sorry I can't help more.....with wax. Now....B&B....what I've used has rocked!! Amazing Grace Baby Grace Pure Grace Blue Sugar <drool> Irish Spring Burberry London I got samples of Sweet Temptations and Angel..and those are on my list to buy next. Sorry I couldn't be more help... Donna
  9. So, I'm itching to make kitchen soap today. Cuz, you know, I didn't have enough other stuff to do...... I have coffee grounds almost dry and ready. My scent selection is confuddling me though....The only EO I have is lemongrass. Other than that, I've got BW Lemon Tart, Solas Lemon Sugar or Peak's Vanilla Hazelnut. I think I have some poppy seeds...and I *may* be able to unearth some cornmeal from the back of the pantry...... So, with a lot of imagination and a little bit of magic....I can do kitchen soap. SO....what scent/FO/EO should I use?? Donna
  10. *soap porn approval* Ahhh...the Queen returns!! :bow: We are NOT worthy!!! Luscious. Just luscious. Glad to see my hated Do-rights are being put to good use!!! Muah! Donna
  11. Stretching my memory here...but is Gourmet Rose an ebay seller?? If so, I'm thinking that her bases are SFIC bases. Grrrrr....I know one of the memebers uses Gourmet Rose....Beau's Mama, Sharon...in Indiana....I think that's who would know for sure. FWIW...for my M&P, I use SFIC. I get mine from Peak's...shipping's cheaper for me that way. Donna
  12. I haven't been soaping even a year yet, so am hardly qualified to mentor anyone.....but, I can field a few basic questions here and there based on the mondo screw ups I've had! Experience really is the key. Like has been said...the info is here already....there are tons of threads on just about every soaping subject. I got lost for WEEKS going through the old posts. Still...the only "dumb" question is the one you don't ask. I have no problems with questions from newbies being posted, and I try to answer them if I see them, and have an answer different than someone elses. That having been said, I fondly recall screwing up the courage to PM Grumpy Girl, The Queen of Soap Porn, with a soap question, thinking that she would just blow this newbie off.....and now, she's my sistah and I love her to death! Donna
  13. I've only just seen this thread.....and I know the original intent of it was not to pick on Salli....but since she did take it personally....I'm going to have to agree with Carrie on this one! If the first part of July was the first CP batch you've ever made....good grief...you haven't even passed the 4-6 week cure time yet! Let them cure for pete's sake! My first few batches, *I* thought were wonderful and moisterizing....and 3 months later had DOS so bad they were disgusting to look at. Thank goodness they were all being kept for personal use anyway! I agree w/ Grumpy....join some swaps and get feedback from soapers. I won't even touch the "candle" issue. I'm deathly afraid of wicks...too many issues can happen with flames, FO's, waxes and wicks! And that is why "Wickless" is part of my company name! Donna
  14. Hpmf...I just ordered 13 bottles (totaling 6 pounds)...and mentioned the discount in the comments section...and I don't see one at all, at least not by the pending debit on my checking account. I'll just wait and see when I get the order though...maybe there will be a note in my package. Of course, I totally forgot about the discount a few months ago when I ordered something ridiculous like 18 bottles. LOL. DOH! edited to add....they did get my GC on there, though the invoice doesn't reflect it, so maybe it IS on there! Woooooo Donna
  15. Yeah, you should probably post this in the Fragrance forum. KY's is nice....but I use Peak's exclusively now.
  16. I got a sample of this and used it in tarts.....and it ran DH and I out of the house, it was SO strong! Made me thirsty too! I used 1oz ppo in IGI4794 Donna
  17. I don't know of any way of speeding up what already on your curing rack. How long ago did you make them and did you use full water or did you discount? The only way I know to decrease your cure time is by discounting the water on CP. Now, if you HP, you can use them within a day or so, but I would still wait a week-ish. Donna
  18. Very nice! I love the labels! I'm so glad I'm in the swap so I'll get one soon! And just :neener: to the rest of you! Donna
  19. ROFL! Where were all you people when I was placing my order two weeks ago?? I ended up getting: Masculine Musk English Ivy Rice Flower & Shea Water Blossom Ivy Island Kiss Shoot...now I have to start a new list! :tiptoe: Donna
  20. Thanks for the link! I had seen this before. RJ's is what got me started on B&B years ago!! I had seen guidelines somewhere before though....that told you the range to use...and then if you used the upper or lower ranges what the results would be. Hmpf. I guess I'll keep looking. Thanks! Donna
  21. I use tubes like chapstick tubes... they are .15 oz each. I use the 1.8x1.8 labels from Onlinelabels.com. (I am about to test another label by them too.) To pour them, I use the filling tray from MMS. Easy peasy! Donna
  22. Yup, what Toni said...you will get lots of answers here. I do mine between 2 days and a week after I unmold them. Depends of the soap is a little mooshy or not. :rolleyes2 But, I've also done them at 4 weeks too. I tend to lean towards the harder bars, so I like to cut them sooner rather than later. Donna
  23. ...you know like MMS tells you how to formulate your own lipbalm.... Is there such a thing where it says something like: 70 - 75% water 5 - 10% butters 10 - 15% oil etc etc etc??? I could have sworn I had something like that, but I'll be dipped if I can find it now... Oh Lord.....why am I thinking about making my own lotions now??? TIA! Donna :::who definately needs a "Stop the Insanity!" T-shirt:::
  24. Solas' Milk & Honey totally rocks. I have multiple bottles of it. It smells so good....I want to drink it. Donna
  25. http://www.packcoinc.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=7 Here's a link to shrink tubing at Packco. I use it for my malibu bottles. Just roll out some, cut to the length you want, insert bottle and shrink. Donna
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