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Everything posted by Angel91805

  1. Nice site! What everyone else said...easy on the eyes...cart contents on the side...... One big question though...... Will you sell my husband too???? I'll package him up and ship right out! Donna
  2. Peak's Pomegranate is very nice.....juicy.
  3. ROFL...you are doubling the volume inside your mold (length x width x height) ....so the volume inside your smaller one is 55 inches...if you double the first one...that's 110. Your larger one has the volume of 127.5....which is just a little more than double. SO, if you know how many pounds of M&P will go in the smaller one...double it for the larger one. Donna
  4. Apricot Kernal Oil.....(at least I think so, or I'm looking like a dunce too! )
  5. ACK! Sharon!! Did it work out? I was working on a presentation for school (only took 7 hrs!) and totally forgot to check back in to see if you'd replied w/ the dimensions! I see you found the amount to use for the smaller mold. For the bigger one, I'd double it. For the small one...you have 5.5x4x2.5 = 55 (inches) if you double that, it's 110. For the big one..you have 10x4.25x3 = 127.5....which is close. OK, it's close enough for me anyway. (Secretly waiting for CareBear to pop in w/ her formulas...) Soooo....what'd you make??? I'm going to make some sample type M&P soaps tomorrow...ideas are welcome! Hugs, Donna
  6. Woo hoo! It sounds just yummy. I keep telling myself I'm gonna break down and buy some and try it. I can even get it local too! Donna
  7. My Toasted Coconut smelled so vile...like burning tires....that it had to be moved to garage. Even tightly closed and in a freezer ziploc, DH and I could smell it. Needless to say...it is still in the garage...I wouldn't dream of actually using it in a lipbalm... But...on a happier note....the Cafe Latte that I got was WAY worse than the Toasted Coconut......IF you took a big deep whiff....it smelled like a skunk pooped one lone coffee bean! It lives in the garage too. That is until I have the heart to throw them out. Donna
  8. What's your inside mold dimensions?? I'm not sure of a formula for the mold size for M&P.....I know the one to figure out oils for CP...but not sure if it's the same....BUT, I do know what a 1 pound cube of SFIC dimensions are! Donna
  9. I'm not going to be much help here...but I got a sample of Pineapple Ginger w/ my last order....and OOB it is VERY nice. I don't smell ginger much at all, but the pineapple is delicious! I'll probably drop it into wax soon.... Donna
  10. Yup..it's official. I do hate you. Don't forget to save one out for me! Donna
  11. Must be nice! Kymber and I are pouting today. Nothing in my mail today either. And I'm having really ugly thoughts about it too! Donna
  12. Oh no, Kymber!!! I was hoping you'd get yours today, cuz that would be an omen that I'd get mine...... :awww: Mail hasn't gone here yet... Donna
  13. Wow...this is all making my head spin. The SoapCalc sheet I have printed out, that I actually used, has the superfat at 5%, the water to % of oils at 38 and the water:lye ratio at 2.65:1. I flat can not figure out, this late at night, how to figure out what the real superfat is since I used the wrong amount of lye.
  14. Thank you, Suds! You asked the question that made me think! I manually recalcualted the lye, using the number provided by OBN...and I did...in fact use TOO little! (Makes me wonder why it was zappy for two days then!) Where I should have used 8.43oz of lye, I used 8.02, and where I should have used 5.72, I used only 5.44. Now....can I fix it? HP/rebatch it and add the remaining lye w/ a bit o' water??
  15. Just put it in there like OBN gave it to me! So....now that we've cleared up how to post the SAP values...any ideas if the soap is salvagable?
  16. No, I am not making liquid soap. I use the calculator at sooz as well. Soapmakers that make bar soap use NaOH sap values, which are derived from the saponification value calculated by laboratories (KOH sap value). To convert one to the other, multiply or divide by 56.11/40 (the ratio of the molecular weights). So, the 254 is actually the KOH value in mg to saponify 1 gram of fat. From Nature With Love's website explains this much bette than I....I'll just copy it over.... To convert actual SAP Values into converted values ready to work with in ounces: Solid Soap (NaOH): Divide the SAP Value by 1422.9803 Liquid Soap (KOH): Divide the SAP Value by 1010.316So....OBN's SAP number is higher than the others!
  17. :bump: :bump: :bump: I just got home from Soaper Supplies and Felicia is extending her pre-buy until 5/6....so get your orders in! Donna
  18. Here's my latest saga.... On Sunday, I made four batches of soap. I had recently gotten PKO from Oils By Nature. Now this PKO looked more like coconut oil than my usual dry, chunky PKO. I used it anyway. BAD MOVE. On Monday, I had 4 lovely batches of lye heavy soap. I emailed OBN and got back an "oh well....our PKO is different from other supplier's PKO...would you like it's SAP value?" Um....WTF? You label your product as the same as anyone else's and THEN offer me the SAP value? Turns out it's new SAP value was 254 (vs. MMS's 237 and FNWL's 220!). So I quickly ordered my old PKO and gave my soap some time. By Tuesday, no more lye zap! YEAH! On Wednesday...I finally cut the two soaps in the MC slab molds. Now....5 days later, and 5 days being exposed to the air...all four of the batches are smooshy. Meaning, if you barely press your thumb...they dent. I can't trim them/plane them...can barely pick them up! What in the heck do I do with these? Is there hope to saving them? Donna
  19. Why is it we don't have a little crying sobbing icon???? I need one! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STILL no FO. <sniff> I'm holding out ONE last hope for today...the mailmen in our neighboorhood still walk up to each house (park the mailtruck at the end of the street). If there's packages, they drive those around last....so I'm hopeful. I'm going to have a huge temper tantrum if my box doesn't get here by tomorrow! Donna
  20. I have a love/hate relationship with mine. Like Grumpy said...the stick like a mother at times...with no rhyme or reason....I'm using saran wrap now and we are getting along fine. If you get one and hate it, let Grumpy or I know and maybe we'll want it...and there's always the classies. Donna
  21. I'm with you, Kymber! I ordered Saturday and I know Glo shipped it Monday. I tracked it and the last track says it left Warrendale, PA on 5/2. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR For all the postal rate increases you'd think they'd HURRY UP when it's something nummy like FO! GRRRRRRRR I'm hoping for today! I want to soap this weekend for the swap! Donna
  22. Yeah...what everyone else said..... Now...I like the effect you have there...if it were done w/ yellow on the bottom and maybe an orange-ish red on the top (or the other way around), you'd have sunset colored soaps! I'm thinking Tropical Sunset would be nice....and what you've got there.....Lavendar Vanilla.....Hmpf....I'm going to have to try what you did! Donna
  23. I've got Solas Cantalope Lily and it's to die for. NUMMY!
  24. "$9.15 is charged for material sent in a Priority Mail flat-rate box provided by the USPS, regardless of weight or destination." Straight off the USPS site....
  25. Nope not lye heavy at all. I made two batches...and both of them are crumbling like mad..... I guess my family is getting a lot of Iced Raspberry and Cantalope Lily soap....
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